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Back To Board Minutes Listing Chapter 8 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009
8. 01 PROTECTION OF PARK PROPERTY. (a) Damaging. No person in a park in the village shall wilfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with, or displace or remove any building, bridges, tables, benches, swimming pool equipment, fireplaces, railings, paving or paving material, waterlines or other public utilities or parts or appurtenances thereof, signs, notices or placards whether temporary or permanent, monuments, stakes, posts, or other boundary markers, or other structures or equipment, facilities or park property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal.
(b) Rest Rooms and Washrooms. No person in a park shall fail to cooperate in maintaining rest rooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. No person over the age of five years shall use the rest rooms and wash- rooms designated for the opposite sex.
(c} Sanitation. No person in a park shall throw, discharge, or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream, bay or other body of water in or adjacent to any park or any tributary, stream, storm sewer, or drain flowing into such waters, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution of said waters.
(d) Refuse. No person shall bring in, have brought in to a park, or dump, deposit or leave in a park any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage, or refuse, or other trash. No such refuse or trash shall be placed in any waters in or contiguous to any park, or left anywhere on the grounds thereof, but shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided; where receptacles are not so provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence, and properly disposed of elsewhere.
8. 02 OPERATING POLICY. (a) Hours. The village park shall be open daily to the public during the hours of 6:00 a. m. to 12:00 midnight of any day; and it shall be unlawful for any person other than village personnel conducting village business therein to occupy or be present in the park during any hours in which the park is not open to the public, except as amended by the Park Committee upon issuing an application as prescribed in subsection (c) below.
(b) Any section, or part of the park, may be declared closed t the pub lic by the President of the Board of Trustees at any time and for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regular or stated intervals.
(c) Group Activity 1. Whenever any group, association or organiza tion desires to use the park facilities for a particular purpose, such as picnics, parties or theatrical or entertainment performances, a representative of the group, association or organization shall first obtain a permit from the Village Clerk for such purpose. The Board of Trustees may adopt an application form to be used by the Village Clerk for such situations, and assess a reasonable fee for the issuance of such permit.
2. The Village Clerk shall grant the application if it appears that the group, association, or organization will not interfere with the general use of the park by the individual members of the public and if the group, association or organization meets all other conditions contained in the application. The application may contain a requirement for an indemnity bond to protect the village from any liability of any kind or character and to protect village prop erty from damage, and shall contain such a provision if the swimming pool is to be utilized by the group.
3. This subsection shall not apply to any group, association, or or ganization not exceeding 100 persons.
8. 03 USE OF PARK AREAS. (a) Regulated No person in a park shall picnic or lunch in a place other than those designated for that purpose. At tendants shall have the authority to regulate the activities in such areas when necessary to prevent congestion and to secure the maximum use for the com fort and convenience of all. Visitors shall comply with any directidns given to achieve this end.
(b) Nonexclusive Use No person shall use any portion of the picnic areas or of any of the buildings or structures therein for the purpose of hold ing picnics to the exclusion of other persons, nor shall any person use such area and facilities for an unreasonable time if the facilities are crowded.
(c) Duties of Picnickers Without permission from the Board of Trustees, it shall be unlawful for any person to build, light or maintain any fire (1) so close to any building or other structure as to endanger such building or structure; (2) on any public Street, sidewalk or pavement; (3) in or Qn the public property connected with the Octavia Swimming Pool; (4) or in any park. The term "fire, " as used in this subsection, shall not be construed to mean or include a fire in a furnace; stove; boiler; fireplace; charcoal burner; grill or brazier; or in other flame enclosed facilities constructed of suitable fireproof materials. No person shall leave a picnic area before the fire is completely extinguished and before all trash in the nature of boxes, papers, cans. bottles, garbage and other refuse is placed in the disposal receptacles which are provided. If no such trash receptacles are available, then refuse and trash shall be carried away from the park area by the pic nicker and be properly disposed of elsewhere.
8. 04 OCTAVIA SWIMMING POOL. (a) Hours. The Octavia Swimming Pool shall be open daily to the public during the hours of 1:00p.m. through 10:00 p.m. of any day; and it shall be unlawful for any person other than village personnel conducting village business therein to occupy or be present in the Octavia Swimming Pool during any hours in which the Octavia Swim ming Pool is not open to the public, except as amended by the Park Commit tee upon issuing an application as prescribed in subsection (c) of Section 8. 02.
(b) Closing Any section, or part of the pool, may be declared closed to the public by the President of the Board of Trustees or by the pool manager at any time and for any interval of time, either temporarily, or at regular or stated intervals.
(c) Group Activity Group activity in the Octavia Swimming Pool shall be permitted as provided in subsection (c) of Section 8. 02.
(d) Rules and Regulations Governing the Use of the Octavia Swimming Pool 1. All persons shall conduct themselves as to allow the maximum enjoyment of the pool by other bathers.
2. All persons shall take a nude shower before entering the pool
3. Persons showing evidence of contagious disease shall not be permitted to enter the pool.
4. All persons with hair over 3 inches in length shall be required to wear bathing caps while in the pool.
5. No toys, inner tubes or floaters shall be allowed in the pooi.
6. There shall be no use of indecent or profane language.
7. No stones or rubbish of any kind shall be thrown into the pool
8. No person shall be allowed to enter the pool while under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
9. No person shall eat food, drink liquids other than water, smoke, or chew tobacco while in the pool or on the deck area. Such conduct shall be permitted in the eating area only.
10. Only one person at a time shall be allowed on the diving board.
11. There shall be no diving in shallow water.
12. There shall be no running on the pool deck area at any time.
13. Tags shall be sewn on swim suits - not pinned on.

14. No person shall visit with lifeguards while they are on duty.
15. The attendants may eject from the pool any persons guilty of in decent conduct, or for the violation of any of the above regulations, or any one who is so using the pool to annoy other persons and prevent full enjoyment of the pool by others.
16. Persons over 12 years of age must accompany children in the wading pool.
(e) Lifeguard Qualifications. All fulltime lifeguards shall be at least 16 years of age and have either senior or advanced Red Cross lifesaving qualifications. Parttime guards shall be at least 15 years of age and have senior, advanced or junior Red Cross lifesaving (which does not include basic water safety and rescue course).
(f) Pool Manager. The manager of the Octavia Swimming Pool shall be at least 18 years of age and shall have a W.S.I. or senior or advanced Red Cross lifesaving qualifications. The manager shall have the responsibility and duty of hiring and dismissal of all pool personnel, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Upon hiring, the manager shall present to each employee, a detailed list of duties to be performed when in the employ of the pool.
(g) Weather. The pool shall be closed to the public when the air tempera ture is below 65 degrees or the water temperature is below 72 degrees. When severe thunderstorm or tornado warnings have been disseminated by local civil defense personnel through the news media, or when lightning or high winds thfeaten the safety of pool patrons, the pool manager may, by self- discretion, close the pool to the public as provided in subsection (b) of Sec tion 8. 02
8. 05 PARKING. No person shall drive or park a motor vehicle any where on the concrete areas surrounding the Octavia Swimming Pool, between the marked signs on the west side of the pool, on the grass area around the flag pole in the Village Park, on the tennis/basketball courts, on the baseball diamond, in the pavilion, in the marked fire lane on the southern end of the Village Park, or on any grass areas where people have congregated or the ground will not support the weight of the vehicle.
8. 06 TENNIS/BASKETBALL COURT REGULATIONS. (a) In tddition to provisions of this chapter relating to general park conduct, the following regulations apply specifically to the tennis/basketball courts;
1. All persons shall conduct themselves as to allow the maximum enjoyment of the court by other players.

2.There shall be no use of indecent or profane language.
3. Unless team play is feasible, no person shall occupy or use any court or basketball net in excess of one hour from the time a request to sur render such court or net is given.
4. No stones, trash, rubbish, garbage, or refuse of any kind shall
be thrown on to court areas.-
5. No person shall be allowed to enter upon or occupy any court areas while under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
6. No person shall eat food, smoke, or chew tobacco while occupying or using any court area.
7. No person shall drive or park any automobile, truck, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle, or any bicycle, stroller, tricycle, or similar device propelled by human power, on any court area.
8. No person shall use the courts for any sport or activity other than tennis or basketball, without the expressed written permission of the Village Clerk.
(b) Penalties. Any person who violates subsection (a) of this section shall, in addition to other penalties provided in this code, be ejected from the court area and forbidden to use court facilities for the remainder of the day.
8. 07 ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATIONS. The Village President and Board of Trustees shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. The Octavia Swimming Pool manager shall enforce the provisions set forth in Section 8. 04.
(Note: Village has deeded the park property to the Octavia Park District and as of this date, June 1, 1991, the village does not own, maintain nor operate any park properties, programs or activities.)

2.There shall be no use of indecent or profane language.
3. Unless team play is feasible, no person shall occupy or use any court or basketball net in excess of one hour from the time a request to sur render such court or net is given.
4. No stones, trash, rubbish, garbage, or refuse of any kind shall be thrown on to court areas.
5. No person shall be allowed to enter upon or occupy any court areas while under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
6. No person shall eat food, smoke, or chew tobacco while occupying or using any court area.
7. No person shall drive or park any automobile, truck, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle, or any bicycle, stroller, tricycle, or similar device propelled by human power, on any court area.
8. No person shall use the courts for any sport or activity other than tennis or basketball, without the expressed written permission of the Village Clerk.
(b) Penalties Any person who violates subsection (a) of this section shall, in addition to other penalties provided in this code, be ejected from the court area and forbidden to use court facilities for the remainder of the day.
8. 07 ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATIONS. The Village President and Board of Trustees shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. The Octavia Swimming Pool manager shall enforce the provisions set forth in Section 8. 04.

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