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Back To Board Minutes Listing April 13, 2009 | Monday, April 13, 2009
��������� The special meeting of the Village Board of Colfax held on Monday evening, April 13, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. was called to order by Mayor Ricardo Onken to consider the employment, compensation, and performance of the Colfax Police Department.

��������� Trustees present were:

��������� ��������� Donna Poppe������ ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Dennis Farney����� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Bruce Green��������� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Carol Stephenson� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Lonnie Meiner����� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Rick Wagoner����� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� Also present were Police Chief Mike Scott; Superintendent of Public Works Damon Getty; Village Attorney Tom Shields.

��������� The purpose of this meeting is the appointment to full time police officer.�� Trustee Carol Stephenson, who is the Chairwoman for the Police Committee, explained to Trustee Donna Poppe what the Committee was proposing to the Board.� After Carol explained this she turned the floor over to Police Chief Mike Scott.

��������� Mike explained that the main concern was the amount of money that is being paid out to the part time police officers and there were some concerns about the number of part time officers that the Village employs.�

��������� Mike stated we looked at these two concerns and tried to put a plan together that everyone could live with.� The plan that we came up with was for Damon to go full time on the Police Department.� Damon and Mike would both be full time officers.� Obviously, there will be a transitional period with whatever happens in the Public Works Department.� Mike distributed papers showing the Board what the difference in salaries would be.� By replacing Damon in Public Works with a $12.00 per hour person to help Dave - that would save the Village approximately $10,000 per year.� By putting Damon on full time evenings this would cut the part-time officers from $52,000.00 per year to about $12,000.00 per year because they would only be working weekends.

��������� Damon's salary would go from the Public Works budget to the Police Department budget.� Mike explained that Tom had an issue that he needed to check into but the only issue there would be that if one of the two positions was an elected position but that is not the case.

��������� Mike explained that he is ready to hit the send button for the grant that he is applying for.� Mike explained that this grant pays for salary and benefits of any new, full time police officer position for three years.� Mike explained that we have to maintain this position for four years.� The first three they will pay for and then the Village has to maintain this position for one more year after the grant is through paying.

��������� The total for the grant came to $132,102.00.� Carol stated her only concern is if there really is going to be a big savings.� Carol stated if Dave moves into Damon position, she's sure that Dave will want more money.� There are some issues that need to be straightened out before

��������� Mike stated that he already figured the $25,000.00 for the extra person into the figures he gave the Board.� Rick stated that we don't necessarily have to hire a full time immediately.� Could have someone work during the summer and see how they do before we offer them a full-time person.

��������� Last year the projected figure for part time officers was $52,843.� The total salaries for the Police Department for Mike�s full time and for part time officers is $93,253.� The new salaries for the Police Department would be $81,908. The Public Works salaries would go from $75,608 to $59,360.

��������� Carol stated talked about Mike and Damon working Monday thru Friday and the part timers working Saturday and Sundays.

��������� Trustee Lonnie Meiner asked Damon how long he thinks the transition should take.� Trustee Rick Wagoner would like the transition to be done by fall - definitely by the end of the year.� Don't want to drag this out to long.� He feels six to nine months is sufficient.

��������� Trustee Bruce Green feels that Dave is capable of doing everything that the job requires him to do.� If he has questions, he just has to call Damon and ask what he needs to do to fix it.

��������� Trustee Donna Poppe feels Dave is capable of doing the work but does he have the initiative to keep up with everything.� Rick asked how Dave is with paperwork.�

��������� Carol stated that she has had several people that have complained to her that we have an attitude problems in our departments.� People say they are cocky and that needs to be changed.� Carol stated we have good people but she doesn't feel they should come across like that.� Carol knows that you can't please everyone but if they come and request, it should be handled properly.� Damon stated we need to know what the complaints are and who is complaining.� Carol stated that if they asked for some rock or something.� Need to be aware that this is going on.� Carol wouldn't say who was complaining.�

��������� Donna feels that if people need rock or another request they should come up here to the office and put in a formal request for it.� Donna stated maybe we need a different system.�

��������� Carol said she told the people if they have a complaint they need to come to the Board meeting.� Mayor Ric stated that maybe the department heads should get with the individuals the people are complaining about.

��������� Police Chief Mike Scott stated that he is approachable. If the employees don't hear about it then it cannot be corrected.� Mike states if it comes to me then I feel that I have followed up on it.

��������� Damon stated he wants to defend himself on this rock issue.� Nancy stated they want it in their driveways.� Damon said they do want it in their driveway.� If there is extra rock I will give it to you.� We have dealt with this one alley issue constantly - it doesn't matter how much rock you put in - they want more.

��������� There was much discussion regarding Damon's move to full time police officer and his helping in public works.�

��������� Mike stated you are not going to see a savings in the Police Department budget, you will be seeing the savings in the Public Works Department budget.�����

��������� Trustee Bruce Green doesn't see why starting out someone at $12.50 - if it's just a trial period anyway why not start at $11.00.� Trustee Rick Wagoner stated that the $12.50 is just a budgeted number.� Damon said these were just numbers we were throwing around.� Last year paid summer help $10.00.

��������� Trustee Rick Wagoner feels that it is worth a try.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner asked if there were any salary increases figured in - there were none. Mayor Ric Onken wonders how fast that $10,000 will be absorbed.� Lonnie questions whether it is enough of a savings and whether Dave will/should demand more money - the savings will be gone before you know it.� Ric stated that the whole purpose of this is not about Damon changing jobs - it's about the Village saving money.� Is it worthwhile?� When it comes time for Mike to retire - Damon could just slide into his job.�

��������� Trustee Carol Stephenson asked if we could wait on the grant.� Mike stated the Grant has to be in tomorrow by midnight.� It was the Boards'� consensus that if the Village gets the grant will go ahead with this.�

��������� Ric stated that if you vote for this Damon would no longer be Superintendent of Public Works - he would be Full Time Police Officer.� Dave wouldn't be Superintendent because Ric doesn't feel he is up to that point yet.� Who would the Village go to for everything?� Trustee Dennis Farney feels that if you are going to turn this over to Dave - then turn it over.� That is the only fair thing.� Bruce stated he can always call Damon if he has a question.� Ric stated Damon will be a middle ground for alittle while.� Village Attorney Tom Shields suggested appointing Damon as a consultant and is available as needed.

��������� Trustee Lonnie Meiner stated that he will take credit for starting this.� Didn't want to step on anyone's toes - just wanted to see if there could be something done.� Feels that it has been worthwhile and if we just work it through - hasn't been a waste of time. If Dave is taking over the responsibility - he is going to demand more money.

��������� Trustee Donna Poppe asked if you have to have the full time position created before you send off the grant.� Mike stated in order to put him in as full time status Damon would have to go to training.� Wouldn't have to have him working as a full time officer in order to send the grant but wouldn't want to receive the grant and then tell them no.� Ric stated we can say lets try it and see if it is going to work.� Need to look at it without the grant in case we don't get.

��������� Trustee Carol Stephenson asked what he thinks our chances are.� Mike read the narrative to the Board so they know what is said on the grant.� Mike feels that with a full time officer can take the next step in problem solving policing.� Damon is local and is committed to this Community.� Damon has proven this.� Mike would like to be less dependant on part time officers but if we are going to maintain our coverage and are going to do it using part time officers then have to have a pool to pull from otherwise can't cover the hours.�

��������� Ric asked when no one is on duty and Damon is not on duty but is around town will Damon be answering calls?� Mike stated no because they need their time off too and their families deserve that.� The routine call when no one is on duty is to call the county or wait until we are on duty.

��������� Trustee Rick Wagoner stated that the Village has an opportunity here first to save $10,000 the first year and second to evolve into the next stage not only in the Police Department but also in Public Works.

��������� Trustee Lonnie Meiner commented on the difference between a good, strong local police force vs. the county.� The county if called there is probably going to be a ticket issued - no questions.� If you have a good local police force.

��������� Carol doesn't understand why if the bar calls - there might be three county cops show up.� Mike explained that the more police you have on scene the less injuries/resistance to any parties.� Mike stated if they are available - they will come.

��������� The biggest downside when relying on the county - they will not enforce any of our ordinances.� Damon stated a lot of the county cars are two man cars.

��������� Damon Getty asked if we are going to do something like this is there going to be a trial period.� Ric doesn't feel that it's fair to Dave or Damon if there is a six-month trial period then say if Dave doesn't do a good job then put Damon back in after the trial period.

��������� Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to let Mike Scott pursue the grant and if awarded the Board will proceed with the plan of Damon Getty as full time police officer.� Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Dennis Ferney - Aye; Bruce Green - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Trustee Donna Poppe thanked� Dennis Farney for his years of service on the Village Board.

��������� Trustee Dennis Farney made a motion to adjourn.� Trustee Bruce Green seconded the motion.�� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Dennis Farney - Aye; Bruce Green - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

������������������ ������������������ ��������� ��������� Respectfully submitted,

������������������ ������������������ ��������� ��������� Nancy Kiper

������������������ ������������������ ������������������ �Village Clerk
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