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Back To Board Minutes Listing MARCH 2013 BOARD MEETING MINUTES | Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, March 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

Trustees present were: Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye;
Trustee Lonnie Meiner was absent.

Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Village Attorney Tom Shields; Police Chief Michael Scott; Superintendent Damon Getty.

Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of February, 2013.
Beginning Balance as of 02/01/13 $160,636.99
Ending Balance as of 02/28/13 $177,061.76
Increase for month of February 2013 $ 16,424.77

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, was absent. Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that there is a draft copy of the 2013-14 Budget Appropriation Ordinance in your folders. Nancy reported that it is a packet type with draft copies of salary increases for two percent (2%), three percent (3%), four percent (4%), five percent (5%) in it for Police Department, Streets, Water and Sewer Departments. The total budget without any salary increases is 4.37% under last year's budget.

Nancy reported that we have saved $4,000.00 at the sewer plant this year on utilities with the new sewer system. Trustee Rick Wagoner asked what we paid for the sewer update when we started. Damon stated around $45,000.00. Rick stated that they originally thought this would take longer to pay for itself than it has.

Nancy reported that we received another $855.00 from the Video Gambling this month. Nancy reported that she has been depositing this into the Water and Sewer Maintenance Account so we now have almost $9,000.00 in that account.

Trustee David Rathke asked if there has been about that much every month. It has been about the same since the Village started getting checks for this. Trustee Rick Wagoner asked if Hooligan's is the only place in town that has these. Yes it is but Trustee Carol Stephenson stated that the Bowling Alley is wanting to get them too.

Police and Liquor Committee Chairman and Trustee David Rathke reported that the Activity Report for the Police Department for the month of February 2013 is in your folders.

Police Chief Mike Scott gave an update on some of the prior happenings in the Village.

Mike gave an update on the "Blacktop Scam" from 2011. Mike reported that the guy plead guilty to "Aggravated Home Repair Fraud". The guilty party was sentenced to thirty (30) days in jail; thirty (30) months probation and was ordered to pay $18,350.00 in restitution to our victim and adding court costs and fines his total was $20,093.00.

Mike stated would have liked to see more than thirty (30) days. Mike stated that is the one we had to go the Attorney General's office to get enough influence to prosecute in the first place. Trustee David Rathke said so he plead guilty and didn't have to go trial. Mike stated yes he plead guilty and Mike stated he did not want to see our victim have to go through that so that was the best case scenario for that.

On another case update in reference to the series of car burglaries. Mike stated that the oldest one of those four plead guilty to one count of burglary - they let them drop counts 2 through 19. He got thirty (30) months TASC probation - which is Treatment Alternative Safe Communities; $300.00 court costs; $200.00 to The Crime Detection Network; $250.00 fee for DNA sample to be kept on file; reimbursement fee to public defender and other insignificant fees and was given credit for three (3) days served. It is likely that the other three (3) guys will end up with something similar to that. Mike reported that our new State's Attorney's office sends out letters to let the victims know what the final resolution is and one of those letters reached the hands of one of our Village's residents who was not at all happy and thought that these people should have went to prison. That resident made a call to the State's Attorney's office and I will give our state's attorney credit - he bothered to set up a meeting with the prosecutor who made the decision on this and sat down with our citizen and explained the whole scenario to them. The State's Attorney called me and said that he is from a small town too and he understands that there is a whole different feeling in small towns. People come to a small town with the idea that I shouldn't have to lock my car. When something like this happens in a small town it changes the community - does this mean I have to do this now. I asked my prosecutors to just please give that extra consideration when they make these deals. Mike stated that he was impressed with the new State's Attorney's effort anyway. Trustee Rick Wagoner stated yes that he took the time to do that.

Mike stated still have two grants pending with the Crime Prevention Network. One is for a Crime Scene Kit - March 13th is the next time they meet. Mike stated I also added another one for a membership to "Leads Online". Mike stated what that is all pawn shops by law have to report everything they purchase in their pawn shops to the police department of jurisdiction. What "Leads Online" is it's a company that setup the software so they could report this online. By the pawn shops reporting to this it creates a nice data base that can have access to and can do searches to see what are being bought and sold in the area. It costs $1,068.00 a year to have access to this data base.

Mike stated he met with Mark Sticklen regarding the property at 102 S Grove - the house is in foreclosure and they are scheduled to meet with a mediation company on April 10th to save the house from foreclosure. Mark doesn't know if it will work or not. He will get with Mike after that and let him know what the plan is.

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked Village Attorney Tom Shields if we have liens on that how does that affect the foreclosure. Tom stated the Village will be listed and will get notice. Tom stated that the bank would have been listed first so it's a matter of priority. Village Clerk stated Mark came in and said he was going to pay this. Rick Wagoner asked if the lien is transferable. If somebody wants to buy it does the lien still go with that or is it waived. Tom stated it's not necessarily waived - the problem would be in order for the Village to collect it's lien from being waived would have to have a motion for attorney to go to court to protect it. Village Clerk Nancy Kiper stated that water was around $600.00 plus the fees and reconnects lien is around $900.00. Mark stated he would come in and pay this off 1/3 at a time but hasn't shown up yet.

Mike stated that at the last Rural Chief's meeting Normal Police came in and gave us a debriefing on the school shooting that occurred last year at Normal High School. Mike stated that it motivated me to make sure that we are doing everything we can possibly do if we have anything like that. Mike stated he contacted the superintendent at the school and met with him about doing some training in the school itself. He was 100% on board. I got a hold of our training director through our local and we met at the school. It is going to be done sometime in June and will be open to all law enforcement communities within the four counties that are in this training unit but our guys will all get priority and will all get the first six (6) seats. I am going to make it mandatory that all of our guys go through this. They will be going through the "Active Shooter" or "Rapid Deployment" training. It is going to be training the officer if there is an active shooter in the building how to respond to that and eliminate the threat. Everyone will be required to go through the shooting. The class will be open to other departments if they want to send people. Mike said it was his opinion that having the training in your actual school makes it about as good of training as you could get.

Then I want to take a look at doing a mock drill and get the community involved. Whether we want to do a school incident or something else we can discuss that. Need to take a look that our preparedness is good to go.

Rick Wagoner doesn't remember where he heard it but police department is going to have actual office time in the school. Has anybody heard that - Bloomington School is doing this. Wonder if just making your presence know will make a difference. Maybe having the squad car there or maybe the school would give you a little space for a couple hours a day. Mike said it's an excellent idea maybe have presence there two or three days a week. In the same regard, on our website we have what is called "Anonymous Reporting" and we have posters hung up throughout the school or if you pull up there you can report directly to our Police Department through our website without giving a name or anything else. It says right on there we want your information - not your name. Keep your school safe. Maybe personal presence from time to time in the school can't hurt either. David Rathke says, "Just walk down the halls - scare them!"

Trustee Rick Wagoner, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, reported he just looked at the video of the well. There doesn't appear to be any gold down at the bottom!! Rick stated it is in semi-good shape for its age. Superintendent Damon Getty is going to send some information off and get a couple more opinions on it. Maybe get a better idea if it is a salvageable well. You get down within 15 to 20 ft of the screen there is some noticeable damage to it. Surprising the screen is stainless steel and looks in extremely good shape for its age. There is a possibility of salvaging that well. Rick stated Damon has a CD on it if anyone wants to look at it - takes about 15 to 20 minutes. It's not as collapsed as I would have thought. Damon reported he wants Albrecht's to contact our engineers and see what they think we should do. David Rathke asked if there was any way to test that water if we do decide to use it. Damon said we can pump it.

Trustee Rick Wagoner reported that Damon took the water test four weeks ago and passed it.

Mayor Ric Onken asked Damon what the status is on the water meters and if the company is going to be able to supply them. Damon reported that they are in the process of signing a contract with a new distributor. Going to try to get credit for the ones we have now and replace them with the newer ones. Damon thinks they will be cheaper and they will be Itron compatible. Trustee David Rathke asked at this rate how much longer is it going to be before we get them all installed. The Company sounds a little shaky. Damon says the Company went to no moving parts on the meters. They said they were going out of business but they just changed their name.

Dave said we need to buy as many as we can and store them until we get them put in.

Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, stated that someone has asked me why we don't have a stop sign or a yield sign at the intersection of Orchard Street and Grove Street. There is neither there now. Damon asked if there was an ordinance for that.

Carol asked Police Chief Mike Scott if there is an update on the mobile home that burned at 401 S Oak. Mike reported that he walked around it today. Someone suggested checking with the fire department and see if they want it for training. Mike will check with them. Mike stated that Michelle's living in Peoria and is planning on moving to Lexington. Carol asked who owns it - Michelle Noel owns it.

Mayor Ric Onken told the Committees they need to make plans for the reviews.n It is coming next month.

Allied Waste Services representative Dan Winters was here regarding a new recycling program for the Village and also the new contract for garbage pickup.

Dan explained the hand out for the proposal for the new recycling service. He reported that Allied will deliver 95 gallon carts/containers to every household and if they do not want to do the recycling they don't have to. They will start by picking up once a month and if they find that they are going to have a lot of recycling then will go to every two weeks pickup. The cost of recycling will be $1.25 per month per household and will be billed with the garbage pickup.

Dan reported there still is no place right now for recycling computer monitors. Allied is trying to find an outlet for them now.

Trustee David Rathke gave an update on the CIRBN project. Dave reported that Mayor Ric Onken and myself have been working to get this amended agreement signed. Dave stated that everything is ready for installation.

Dave reported that the Village will be the access point for the town and will be the main point in the town. They will install the equipment and connect to the fiber that's installed. Mayor Ric Onken stated that Engineer Mike Friend is to receive an updated blueprint and is going to keep in contact with them.

Dave reported that ISU is running the show now but that they are planning to form an LLC that will have a Board of Governors. Once ISU is done there will be new people coming in to take over after the LLC is formed. There will be a lot of people that are affected by this: six (6) counties; nineteen (19) communities; one hundred nine (109) organizations; and two hundred forty-one (241) sites are all connected to this. The big thing is this switchover that is going to occur in August.

Dave reported that the biggest nine (9) organizations will have a seat on the Governing Board. Dave said he questioned them and asked, "what about the small areas for representation? They need to have representation on the Board too."

Another thing is the "V" structure to make sure that we are not going to be paying more than we currently pay to Mediacom. The cost will be based on what each organization uses. All of the schools will be paying a lot more because their usage is higher.

Police Chief Mike Scott commented he was really excited at first because the county was going to hookup to this too but that's not happening right now.

Dave said that if there is some enterprising company that wants to come in it would be good opportunity. They would just have to pay a fee to hookup for the ISP.

The next two items on the agenda was appointing Public Works employees.

Mayor Ric Onken stated that at last month's meeting the Board approved paying Brian Hereford $12.00 an hour and didn't realize that the Village is paying other part time Public Works employees $10.00 an hour. Ric stated they all need to be paid the same so either the Board needs to raise the other employees' pay or lower Brian's. Also Brian Hereford or Shane Beck were neither one appointed to their positions.

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked who the other two employees were - Brent Blair has been reading meters since 2009 and Shane Beck is plowing snow. Rick asked if Brian has more responsibility than Brent does reading meters since he is dealing with the water supply of the Village. Damon feels both are about the same. Rick asked Trustee Rick Vance what the average snow plow worker gets. Rick Vance stated around $12.00 per hour for the county. Rick Vance later updated this and said the $12.00 per hour is for summer help. The rate for snow plow employees is $15.00 per hour.

Trustee Carol Stephenson stated I think these jobs should have been posted and advertised. There are a lot of people out there looking for work. Mayor Ric Onken stated that they should have at least been brought to the Committee. I know Damon is the Supervisor so he can select but it still should have been brought to the Committee first.

Trustee Rick Wagoner stated we are limited to hiring from applications or taking Damon's opinion who is the better one in the community to fill the spot.

Carol said yes but I have had people approach me all of the time asking if the Village is hiring, in all fairness I think it should be advertised and I don't think should keep it all in the family.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper stated she has had people come in or call to see if there were any job openings. She told them we weren't doing any hiring because she didn't know we were.

Trustee Rick Wagoner said to have them put an application in and keep it on file for maybe six (6) months.

The next item on the agenda was whether to donate to Show Bus. Last year's donation was $250.00 and was made in March, 2012.

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to donate $250.00 to Show Bus. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

At the February, 2013 board meeting Dan Kerber owner of Colfax LaundryMat was present requesting permission to put an apartment behind the laundrymat. Mayor Ric Onken stated that he had a meeting with Zoning Board member Barry Rigsby. Barry contacted the other Zoning Board members to see what their feelings were regarding this matter. Ric read a letter from Barry regarding this matter. It was the Zoning Board's concensus to allow them to go ahead with the apartment. Ric stated that as a board we don't want to encourage store front apartments but it is one way to have businesses get extra income.

Village Attorney Tom Shields looked at the Zoning Ordinance and Map to see what is allowed in the business district. Tom stated it appears that it is allowed but feels our ordinances need to have more restrictions. Mayor Ric Onken asked Tom if we need to change this to prevent any more apartments from coming into the front of business buildings. In order to change we have to be very restrictive and not have any residential use on Main Street frontage area.

Trustee Rick Wagoner said to let them go ahead with this project. Tom suggested to go to the Committee to work on. Tom stated you do not need a motion because the Ordinance already allows this.

Tom also reported that the Ordinance needs amended to put a stop sign at the intersection of Orchard and Grove Streets. Rick Vance asked if that had to go thru Judicial System too. We had a problem at Harrison and Wood Streets because Harrison was a county road. Tom stated that these are two Village Streets.

Tom will do an ordinance change for this. Ric Onken will contact Barry Rigsby regarding Zoning issue.

Next on the agenda was regarding a tree on the property at 209 East Cooper Street that is over the water shut valve for the property. Water service needs to be capped off since the lot is vacant now. Becker Tree Service wants $800.00 to cut the tree down. Property Owner Donnie Meiner spoke with Superintendent Damon Getty and stated if the Village will cut the tree down he will pay to put the sidewalk back in.

Trustee Rick Vance addressed the Board regarding the condition of some of business buildings uptown. Is there anyway an ordinance can be written to make it necessary for all of the business owners to carry enough insurance to cover an incident if anything happens, ex. buildings collapsing; bricks fall; etc. The Village of Colfax is going to have the same situation as in Chenoa with the building collapsing and the owners will just walk away and leave the Village to clean up the mess. Village Attorney Tom Shields stated that the courts will make you prove it is a dangerous building. Mike will contact the owners and see what they are going to do with it. Tom said we can try an inspection but what the court will be looking for is a report from a structural engineer.

Rick Vance stated if we do nothing how do we soften the blow when something happens. Tom stated that if this is a building on Main Street this is a public hazard where if it's a residence it is more of just a personal hazard. Part of the building could fall and hit someone that is on the sidewalk. Ric Onken asked Mike to check with Andrews Engineering and see if they have a structural engineer at their firm.

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Kiper, Village Clerk

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