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Back To Board Minutes Listing JANUARY 2013 BOARD MEETING MINUTES | Friday, January 18, 2013
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, January 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

Trustees present were: �Rick Vance - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye;

Trustee David Rathke was absent.

Also present were Police Chief Michael Scott and Superintendent Damon Getty.

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. �Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - aye; David Rathke - Absent; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Linda Hanson was absent but the Treasurer's Report for the month of December, 2012 was in the folders. �Beginning Balance as of 12/01/12 - $148,163.95; Ending Balance as of 12/31/12 - $148,809.64; Increase for December, 2012 - $645.69.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper explained about the bill from Lincoln Land. �The batteries on the south siren quit and had to be replaced and the siren had to be narrow banded and a new board put in. �The bill from Itron is for the program for the handheld computer for meter reading.

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to pay the bills as presented. �Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, reported that there are some large expenses that everyone needs to be aware of down the road for the Water Treatment Plant.

Trustee David Rathke, Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee was absent. �Police Chief Michael Scott reported that the Activity Report for the month of December, 2012 is in the folders. �Mike stated that he also put together an annual report which shows what happened all year.

Mike reported on the property at 102 South Grove Street. �Mike stated that the exterior work that the Village asked to be done has been completed. �Mike did suggest leaving the house placarded until the interior work gets done.

Mike reported that Justin Gale will be coming out to certify the guys on the Taser. �This should be coming up in the next couple of weeks.

Mike reported that there is a copy of the Use of Force Policy in your folders. �This was the Hudson PD's Police and Mike just changed it to fit Colfax Police Department. �Mike stated he would send a copy to Tom Shields to make sure he is on on that. �This Police has already been accepted by the Commission on Accreditation.

Trustee Rick Wagoner, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, reported on the Water and Sewer Committee meeting held at 6:00 p.m. prior to this meeting.

Rick explained that what we are looking at as far as the Maintenance on the old well. �Village Engineer Mike Friend suggested "sounding" the well first. �Rick stated this is to drop a line down it to 102 feet and he said if you have enough blockage of say 50 ft then it's not work saving. �The second step is to run a camera down and see what damage there is to the casing itself and the screen. �This would be roughly $1,500.00 to do that.

At that point it will depend on whether the case needs to be screened or just a new casing - once you repair the casing and the screen there will need to be some electrical work done to it - has to be a pump. �Looking at $35,000 to $40,000 to get well up and going again.

Rick stated down the other road to have a well capped - it will have to be professionally done - he has two numbers on that - one was $2,000.00 and one was $5,500.00.

Other things looked at is that the Village does not have a bypass on the filters - if have to do service work on the filters - would be relying on the water that's in the tower because there is no way to bypass the filters. �Rick stated he is really surprised that that wasn't in the original plan - would have thought that would have been in it. �Rick reported that to put a bypass in and be able to chlorinate/safe water would be approximately $10,000.00. �Village Engineer Mike Friend told the Committee that this is something that the Village really needs to look at.

The Tonka Filter System Tank needs to be gutted/sand blasted/ any repairs done and repainted. �Our system is eight (8) years old and need to keep this maintained. �This would cost approximately $150,000.00. �Rick stated that Damon says our biggest concern is the top 1/3 of the tank because if under the water not going to get the rust. �This needs to be budgeted for and done because this will affect any grants that we could get if it's not maintained.

Said this is unusual for this to be in such rough shape for only eight (8) years old.

This would be something that needs to be on the five (5) year plan. �Damon reported that him and Mike Friend will be going in and inspecting it this month.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner stated that one thing we need to do is to investigate if there are grants available to us.

Another item is the access to the Tonka. �Rick reported have looked at several options of doing a CAT walk from the building over to it or doing a ladder with a cage. �The numbers for the CAT walk - $18,750.00; the section ladder is $5,000.00. �This needs to be looked at seriously for the safety of our employees. �Rick stated he knows Granger handles sections of those ladders.

Rick brought up another item. �Damon talked about getting a laptop computer so Damon can download the information onto that and do his reports for the EPA. �Damon looked at some numbers between $500.00 to $1,000.00 for a laptop. �Damon is going to check with Richard to get some ideas on that.

Mayor Ric Onken stated he will check with Richard and see.

Mayor Ric Onken asked Damon if any new water meters were installed this month. �Damon stated there were none.

Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, had nothing to report at this time. �She did report that the Sewer Line at Tom Ales' is fixed. �Damon stated it was on the property line so just dug it up.

Mayor Ric Onken reported that Dave Rathke e-mailed me and in your folder is a report on the CIRBN update. �If there are any questions, le me know so we can contact them again and start moving on it.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner asked that since the cost of repainting water tower will increase $15,000.00 to $18,000.00 after this is installed on the water tower why can't the school district and others share some of this expense with the Village since they will all be using the CIRBN.

Lonnie reported that Mediacom Internet connections are slow and he is wondering if there is anything that can be done about that. �Nancy stated that she thinks sometimes you have to call and have them put a boost on it. �Nancy and Carol reported that they have Frontier internet service. �Nancy reported that EMCAA had to get a booster for the Mediacom Internet up at the old village hall.

Dan Kerber was present to discuss with the Board about the possibility of putting an apartment in back of the laundry mat. �Dan said a one or two bedroom apartment. �They have talked to Mike Fincham about managing it. �The concern is that they don't want it to end up a party hour in the back. �They want renters who are going to take care of it. �Dan said that when he spoke with Nancy she said that the zoning is not for single apartments.

Zoning Officer Nancy Kiper explained that our zoning ordinance stated that for in the Business District it has to be "Multi-Family Apartments". �Nancy reported receiving three (3) telephone calls last week wanting to put apartments on Main Street and none of them are "Multi-Family".

Ric Onken asked how they would enter the apartment. �Dan stated we have thought about that. �He would prefer to have two entrances so there would be an entrance in the back too.

Trustee Rick Wagoner stated need to having zoning look at this. �Lonnie Meiner stated need to look at the whole situation over on Main Street. �Ric stated that have to get he Zoning Board together. �Rick Wagoner stated need to require at least a certain percentage of the building be commercial.

Get the Zoning Board together and get them involved. �Dan would like to see us adopt standards. �Nancy reported that already have that in place. �Do need to update the Zoning May because it is really outdated.

Mayor Ric Onken will contact Barry Rigsby and can get the zoning board together. �There is a lot of work that needs done on all of the buildings on Main Street. �Need to get some ideas from some other small towns. �Ric stated that up north there are small towns but they have the revenue to keep the buildings up.

Trustee Carol Stephenson asked where the money from the Video Gaming Tax is going to be put. �Nancy explained that she put it in the Utility Tax Account - received $959.00 for November, 2012. �Carol asked if we could designate that money into an account. �Nancy stated that we can but is surprised that the State didn't direct deposit it into our Springfield account but they didn't - they sent a check.

ESDA Director Shane Beck was present to speak to the Board regarding purchasing a new radio. �Shane reported that since everything had to be narrow banded by Jasnuary have lost three (3) radios. �Shane presented the Board with two quotes one from Supreme Radio - who didn't send an itemized list even though Shane asked for one. �Supreme charges a monthly fee for using their license. �The second quote is from Ragan Communications. �The County gave each department one radio but when weather spotters are out need to have a t least one more radio so that we can communicate.

Since first time on the agenda will table this until February for a vote.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to adjourn. �Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Kiper, Village Clerk
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