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Back To Board Minutes Listing November 2012 Board Meeting Minutes | Monday, December 10, 2012
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, November 5, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

Trustees present were: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye;

Trustees absent were Jason Pierce �and Lonnie Meiner.

Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Village Attorney Tom Shields; Police Chief Michael Scott; Superintendent Damon Getty.

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. �Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of October, 2012. �Beginning Balance as of 10/01/2012 - $156,843.54; �Ending Balance as of 10/31/2012 - $160,132.04; Increase for the month of October 2012 - $3,288.50.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper explained about the Annual Insurance bill from Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association. �Nancy explained the four different options for paying the insurance. �If the insurance is paid in full with Option #1 there is a 1.5% discount on the insurance.

Mayor Ricardo Onken asked for a motion to pay the bills including insurance bill and which option. �Concensus of the Board to go ahead and pay the insurance bill in full - need to save where we can.

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to pay the bills as presented including the annual insurance with Option #1 Pay in Full. �Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

The Finance and Audit Committee Chairman Lonnie Meiner was absent.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that a draft copy of the new Tax Levy was in the folders. �This is a five percent (5%) increase from last year. �This will have to be passed next month so it can be into the county by the second Tuesday of December.

There was nothing else to report for the Finance and Audit Committee.

The Police and Liquor Committee Chairman David Rathke reported that the October Activity Report is in the Folders. �Dave had Police Chief Michael Scott explain the report and activity for the month. �Dave reported it looks like Mike has been busy. �Mike reported having a busy month. �Mike reported that a long side each item is CBA - Cleared by Arrest.

Mike stated there was a lot of time and effort put in by all of the police department - job well done. �Mike reported that some of the kids that were involved in the other burglaries were also involved with this month's activity. �While out on bond they were involved in some of these. �Mike reported they are no longer in town - they are in Bloomington - for how long I don't know. �Mike reported there is one adult in custody in McLean County Jail. �Mike reported that the last three or four months has been off the charts. �Mike stated right now would be a great time to apply for a grant because our crime rates are thru the roof. �Mike stated our clearance rates are also thru the roof too.

Trustee David Rathke asked Mike if all of this has been reported to the paper. �Mike stated I don't go out of my way to report to the paper - I have a clipboard in the hallway that has all of the information on it if they want to come in and look at it but no I do not made a special effort to go to them. �Ric Onken stated he is going to take a copy of this report to the Saturday morning coffee up at the Legion. �They are constantly complaining and Ric will show them what has been going on.

Mike gave a brief overall regarding the home invasion. �This is probably the most significant - a Class X Felony - 72 year old man sleeping on his couch late at night - forced entry with a credit card slipping the lock on the door - he wakes up to two intruders in his house - one of them carrying what appears to be an assault weapon - they exchanged back and forth - we want your money - I don't have money - we want your beer - I don't have beer - on and on - the victim, our 72 year old man grabs his remote for his TV - his life has been threatened a couple of times - he turns the TV off - darkens the room and attacks the intruders - for which the intruder grabbed the assault weapon and hit him over the head and gashed his head open and knocked him unconscious on the floor and left him there. �Bravery but. �The two in that have been arrested and we are bringing them to justice. �The adult involved in that one is the one that is in county jail right now.

Mike reported on the nuisance property at 206 W Wood as a safety issue - it is gutted inside of which all of the windows are broken out and no doors on the property which made it easy access for kids or anyone wanting in. �Mike stated that he contacted owners Todd and Brian Harris and they were down there the next day boarding everything up and putting "NO TRESPASSING" signs up. �They will be tearing the house down but have to wait until the funds are available.

Mike reported that he was beginning the Lead Investigation/Homicide Class when we met last month. �I have the certification.

Mike reported that regarding the Sticklen's property - we have a commitment from them to have the property up to code by Thanksgiving. �There has been some work that has been done. �I see that Brice is here and he has got some of the exposed insulation boarded up and they are having a bit of a dispute about the rest of the work. �Veronica or Mark do you want to report to the Board on where you are at and what you are going to do from here.

Veronica stated I just hope that Brice gets himself together and gets over there and finishes up because we have already paid him half.

Brice responded that during the situation where I started the work over at the Sticklen's household at the time I was living with my girlfriend and her family. �I was working to find myself a job and later on when I affirmed with the Sticklen's about the work that was to be done, in the process of all of that my mom and dad were moving to Melvin and they offered me a place to stay which would give me my own room and help them out because they are both getting in the older age. �With that said I have been over there helping them out trying to get stuff moved and had to take my father to the VA Hospital in Danville because he had walking pneumonia. �I do apologize for the inconvenience of the situation I have not been able to be there. �With the fact that I have not been able to get my tag reevaluated and paid for I have a vehicle that is illegal to drive so we are working out of one vehicle. �So I talked to Mike about the situation and I informed him that my mom is off Friday - she doesn't find out if she is off until the day prior to - if she is off this Friday I will be over there to start in on the work then.

Veronica stated the boy that was to show up at the house did not show up at all.

Mike asked Brice, do you expect to get the exterior work done before their deadline of Thanksgiving. �The painting, the wiring on the outside and I am trying to figure out from all of you what else is actually wrong. �Mike responded that the south side of the house where there is damage from the tree - is any of that open to the elements or is it all closed in. �Brice stated it is not open there is just a leak - it just needs to be patched. �Mike asked if it can be patched - Brice stated yes it can. �Brice stated are also talking about painting the outside section where I covered up the insulation. �Mike asked Brice if that was doable.

The Water and Sewer Committee Chairman Rick Wagoner reported that wiring in the water plant is done. �Superintendent Damon Getty reported that some of the water meters are here - rest are still on back order. �Damon reported he went ahead and ordered three (3) more cases of meters - six to eight months out.

The Streets and Lights Committee Chairman Carol Stephenson had nothing to report at this time.

Mayor Ric Onken asked Superintendent Damon Getty if he has put together a plan for snow plowing. �Damon reported he has talked to a couple of farmers that will help - Ric wants a commitment so that the insurance company can be contacted before the snow starts and there is snow plowing to be done.

Mayor Ricardo Onken gave an update on the CIRBN and why they can't use the elevator to put the tower on. n Ric explained because of the deadline and time limit they have for the Grant there is not time to get all of the paperwork done for putting this on the elevator so we are back to putting this on the water tower. �Village Engineer Mike Friend is looking at the specifications for putting this on but after they get this done then want to have the Village Engineer inspect to make sure they have followed the specs. Trustee David Rathke asked if the fiber has been put in - it has been and everything is done.

Rick explained that he has received numerous letters from Mahomet Aquafer which is a group of engineers studying getting water from the Mahomet Aquafer. �Ric stated have basically said no because would cost a big fortune to get into this. �Unless the Board feels we should help them financially. �Ric stated that they are so far away from us to hook up to their water system.

Last on the agenda was for Executive Session. �The Mayor has some things to discuss but since Trustees Lonnie Meiner and Jason Pierce are not here will table until next month.

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to adjourn. �Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Kiper Village Clerk
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