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Back To Board Minutes Listing April 2, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, April 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

Trustees present were: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye.

Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Village Attorney Tom Shields; Police Chief Mike Scott; Superintendent Damon Getty.

Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. �Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of March, 2012. �Beginning balance as of 03/1/12 �- �$95,303.61; Ending Balance as of 03/31/12 �- �$101,650.57; Increase for March, 2012 �- �$6,346.96.

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to pay the bills as presented. �Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, Trustee Lonnie Meiner reported on the new line item that Linda reported Water/Sewer Maintenance. �That is the difference between what the old light bill was a t the Sewer Plant and what the new bill is.

Lonnie reported that in your file is the draft of your budget appropriation ordinance. �Lonnie reported that Nancy has put on the front what she has done here. �Some things have carried over from last year - putting in water meters; increase in fuel prices; last year of payment on the backhoe. �This is a three percent (3%) increase over last year.

Nancy reported that the sewer light bill was a little higher this month because Dave said he had to run the big pumps a little bit more.

Trustee David Rathke, Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, reported on the packet that Police Chief has put together for the Board. �Mike explained what the packets included.

Mike explained about the memorial markers being moved in the park. �Mike stated he spoke with Mike Ayers and he stated that they have had a few that have had to be replaced. �Mike Scott asked if there was a map of where the markers go -there was none. �Mike had two community service kids that weekend so he took them out and they did a map of the park and where the markers are. �There is a copy in the packet.

Mike stated that he had one suggestion is that the park district have some cones available for the kids to use.

Mike addressed the issue of the residents living above AW building and letting their dogs poop all over our public sidewalks. �Mike stated he went and had a conversation with them. �Mike stated that she was a young lady and at first she thought she owned the sidewalk. �Mike explained the rules to her and that it was a public sidewalk - at that point she saw things our way.

Mike stated that the zoning regarding people living in the uptown area. �The last zoning map that I have been able to locate is 1978. �Mike stated that it is commercial but the map needs to be updated. �The Villager will need to consider updating the map.

Mike reported on the radio re-banding - an FCC regulation. �Mike stated this is to change everything to arrow band - by January 1, 2013 it will be illegal to run the wide band radios. �Can get all of the Kenwood wide band radios re-banded for $240.00. �All of the rest of the radios are Rehlm and will have to be replaced because they are not re-bandable.

Mike stated just bringing it up to consider what we want to do. �Thought maybe get the ones that are re-bandable done and then decide what want to do with the rest.

Mike stated that the radios are the state police emergency radios, I Reach, Fire District radios = they are most important to re-band. �Lonnie asked if these were base radios - can you use handhelds/

Mayor Ric Onken as Mike and Damon to get with the Streets Committee and see what the best option is.

Mike asked the Board if they wanted �report on the property at 102 S Grove. �Asked if Board wanted it now or later in the agenda.

Trustee Rick Wagoner, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, reported that Damon set up a meeting this month with Steve from the Illinois EPA to go through�our water systems and maybe give us an ubiased opinion. �As soon as he gets the information back on that will have another Water Committee meeting and go through that information.

The meter that was sent in and that we had tested was OK. �25 gallons per minute was 99%; 1/2 gallon per minute was 98%. �Along the same lines, the ordinance that was we �presently have i8s $25.00 fee to have meters sent in to have them checked. �Rick asked Village Attorney Tom Shields would like something set up similar to the garbage fees and just put what the going rate is plus the time and materials so we wouldn't have to change the dollar number all of the time.

Rick also reported that Damon got together with Liquid Engineering regarding inspecting the water tower and to clean and repair the Water Tower. �There are two proposals in your folders - one for inspection and reporting and the second one actually is for cleaning, inspection and reporting for $2,965.00.

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to accept the4 bid from Liquid Engineering for $2,965.00 for inspection, cleaning, repairing, and reporting for the inside of the water tower. �Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Rick reported that Damon is also going to get an idea if they inspect the outside also.

Rick reported that Damon is going to start an aggressive flushing program for the next three or four months flushing hydrants twice a month.

Rick reported that Damon is going to go ahead and purchase three more cases of meters to keep us moving on those.

Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

Damon reported about two dead trees that are on the right of way on 303 and 502 North Center Street. �Damon reported that Becker Tree Service gave us a bid of $600.00 with us helping clean it up and grinding the stumps out. �Mayor Ricardo Onken asked if he could get a second bid.

The first item on the agenda under Old Business was regarding the Sticklen property at 102 S Grove Street. �Police Chief Mike Scott gave an update on this property.

Mike reported that Veronica is actually here at the meeting.

Veronica stated, "I have a situation - had my son who was suppose to stay home. �I gave him money to get him a car to drive to and from Bloomington to keep his job in Bloomington. �He took the money and ran - he is down in St. Louis. �Now I am screwed basically - I have no way of funding. �I am still having someone cleaning up the yard and doing the mowing and taking care of things like that. �I am paying him twice a month."

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked Veronica, "Have you got copies of the weekly reports that we have asked for? �Did you bring those with you?"

Veronica stated, "Weekly reports/"

Rick stated, "Yes, at least two months ago we talked about this and you were suppose to give us weekly reports/updates. �Have you been doing that?"

Veronica stated, "No."

Rick stated, "Why not?"

Veronica stated, "Because I can't write worth a crap."

Rick stated, "And there's no one in the house that writes."

Veronica stated, "My husband has been working double shifts for the last month and one-half."

Rick stated, "He can't take fifteen minutes and give us a report."

Veronica stated, "No because he is working from 4:00 in the morning until midnight every night and he don't get home until 1:00."

Trustee Carol Stephenson stated, "Surely there is someone you could get to write it. �You could tell them what to say and they could write it for you."

Veronica stated, "I just started getting back to being around Linda - over here and Trishia. �I am very low on friends - sorry I don't have anybody else. �Brian don't have time to write4 out things and give a report. �If you want a report you come and talk to me. �That's all I can tell you."

Veronica stated, Once I get in the house I don't come out."

Rick Wagoner stated, "But you did agree to that two months ago."

Veronica stated, Yea but I don't have anyone to help me - I am sorry. �My son was suppose to do it - he didn't - he walked away. �He too the $784.85 and walked away. �What am I suppose to do put a leash on him."

Rick stated, "You agreed to give us the weekly reports."

Veronica stated, I don't have the ceiling fixed and I don't have the front porch fixed. �The yard has been getting taken care of - he has cut bushes and put bulbs in and made the flowers look better."

Carol asked, "What about the trailer and that area?"

Veronica stated, "That trailer is fine. �It has to be rebuilt."

Carol stated, "I notice a definite improvement. �You can rebuild a trailer but you can't write."

Veronica stated, "That's exactly right. �Do you know what? �I use to live out here and the teachers weren't worth a crap. �My family never took pride in helping us. �Sorry - not reading, no writing, nothing."

Carol stated, "As long as you still make an effort on progress being done - there shouldn't be a problem. �If you can't write I don't know what we can do about that."

Rick Wagoner stated, "Can that person you are paying $200.00 write?"

Veronica stated, "He works double shifts too just the same. �That's why he can only come out twice a month."

Rick stated, "But he can write."

Veronica stated, "I am not going to ask that from him."

Rick stated, "You would rather default on our agreement."

Veronica stated, "Then I'll default on the agreement."

Rick stated, "That's all I need to know."

Veronica stated, "I will keep up what I can do - as much as I can do - I going to have Kevin come over and we are going to put the porch up. �I am going to cvut it and he will put it up - that is all I can do. �He is going to come inside and take care of the ceiling for me. �I mean I can only do a little bit at a time. �That's why Mark is working double shifts."

Mayor Ric Onken stated, "Ok we will discuss what the next step will be."

Veronica stated, "I am going to have the DORS program come out and they are going to help me clean up the inside of my home. �They are coming the 5th."

Ric Onken stated, "If you are going to do that find someone to put it in writing."

Veronica stated, "I can ask them to do it. �I don't know when the 5th is - I don't have a calendar. �I am having 4 people come out and look at the inside of my home.

Ric asked Mike if he could follow up on that.

Veronica stated, "Ok so I am having them take care of the inside for me because I can't even make it to the kitchen."

Veronica stated, "Can he come down and help me do that report or can I give it to him or can I call him or what. �I am not going to sit down and write things out - it just doesn't work for me - sorry."

The first item on the agenda under new business was regarding the Illinois Department of Ag Ash Board Compliance Agreement. �Nancy reported that a representative from Illinois Department of Ag came in and state3d that there is Ash Board in Bloomington and that the Board needs to pass this Compliance Agreement so that they know that we are not going to take the wood out of town if the trees get cut down. �Needs to be signed by the mayor and returned to Srpingfield IL address.

Nancy reported according to this representative if the trees are cut down in the Village of Colfax they have to go directly to the dump and burnt. �Can't be hauled somewhere else.

Mayor Ric Onken asked Sueprintendent Damon Getty if Brian Becker has any type of agreements for this. �Damon stated that as long as there is a tarp on it Becker can haul it anywhere he wants. �Village Attorney Tom Shields stated sounds liek it is like a quarantine.

The Agreement is with the Illinois Department of Agriculture. �He was taking these around to all of the towns.

There were questions about the agreement. �Village Attorney Tom Shields that we had better make sure that all of the towns around aren't bringing into here too. �Tom asked if anyone knows if we have ash boar in town. �Damon said there wasn't when they checked it two years ago.

Mayor Ric Onken stated he will contact them and see what this involves.

Next on the agenda was Jeff Moore who was here to address the Board regarding fostering dogs/variance for dogs.

Jeff Moore stated, "You guys had a guy who got ticketed for having to many dogs. �When he got his ticket he threw my name out there saying I have to many dogs - which we do. �We have had the dogs for almost two years - never had any problem with them. �What I am wanting to do is asking you guys for a variance for us to have the three dogs. �We have also been talking to CISAR about doing a foster for the dogs that have been badly abused. �If we do get the variance for us to do this, we would not have more than our three dogs and possibly one or two other dogs there at a time.

Mayor Ric Onken asked, 'You would have in a sense a kennel then."

Jeff stated, "It would be a fostering license that we are trying to get through CISAR's. �I haven't looked into get a kennel license yet through the Illinois Department of Ag but CISAR from what they told me - as long as I get a variance through the Village that is all I need."

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper stated I think you still have to have a kennel because the Village had to have a kennel just to board what we pick up whether it is one dog or one cat. �I think you still have to go through the Department of Ag.

Mayor Ric Onken stated I am going to asked the Police Committee with Mike and Brent to look into this and see what they actually ned for the Village and then discuss with him about the variance after you get the information.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper asked Jeff if he hadn't already contacted the Department of Ag because when you came in and want on the agenda you said you had already contacted them. �Jeff stated he left a message but they have never called back.

Mayor Ric Onken stated as you know we have an ordinance for this in the Village.

Next on New Business is regarding the Road Edge Leveling Paver for the Street Department.

Superintendent Damon Getty addressed the Board regarding the Road Edge Leveling Paver. �Damon explained that they did this over in Blue Mound Township at Cooksville. �There are pictures in your folders showing what this does. �Trustee Rick Vance explained how this works.n �Rick stated if you look at Fifer Street where the edges break off. �Rick stated this is particularly cheap as compared to tearing the road up and starting over. �After you get done doing this then you tar and seal coat.

Damon stated that Martin Township offered to pay 1/2 of the cost of this paver. �Will roll it in with the truck. �Rick Vance stated that Joe has a roller that fits on the front of the truck and that will fit on this truck that the Village can use. �Eventually will be nice to have our own. �Dave Rathke asked if it does a good job. �Rick Vance said it really does.

Lonnie Meiner said so we are talking $1,600.00 for our 1/2 -- sharing the cost with the township but will be installed on our truck. �Rick Vance stated we have already budgeted for the cold patch that we get in Decatur out of MFT. �This builds up the edge of the roads and streets.

Mayor Ric Onken asked if we already have the materials in MFT. �Trustee Rick Wagoner stated the only downside I see if the township using our truck. �They will be putting more time and miles on our truck and the wear and tear on that auger. �We are talking a few miles for here in town where the4 township will have several miles they will be doing. �The township will be putting more time on the truck than the Village would.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to purchase one-half (1/2) of the Adjustable Road Edge Leveling Paver installed as per agreement with Martin Township. �Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Mayor Ric Onken reminded the Board that evaluations are due next month. �Have committees due them Police Committee does Mike's; Finance Committee does Nancy's; Water Committee does Damon's' Street Committee does Dave's.

At the Mayor's association meeting Thursday night there was a representative there from McLean County Chamber giving some information and already helping Saybrook in saving some costs on some things. �I have already talked to him about coming out to one of the Board meetings and giving information about what he has.

Dave Rathke stated there is going to be a meeting of the CIRBN next week. �They are still looking at 2013 opening of when they turn the switch on.

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked if could go back to the tree trimming. �Rick stated I agree with you that we need to get another price on it but what does the Board think if Damon gets another price and it's over the $600.00 for the same type of work then can have Becker do it for $600.00.

Resident Tillie Dietz came back in to talk to the Board about Veronica Sticklen. �The advised her to talk to Mike about any information they had.

Rick Onken stated we need to think what our next move is on this. �Rick Wagoner stated she pretty well doesn't plan on abiding by our agreement. �Ric Onken stated there are two other mayors at our association meeting who are in the same situation and it cost them some money. �Mike reported getting a call from that Brian that she said she paid the $200.00 for mowing. �Mike stated he stated he has been out here four (4) times and he has cleaned up everything that they have allowed him to clean up and everything they wouldn't let him get rid of he put in one big pile so at least they can mow. �Brian told Mike - I'm done. �There's no money to come out and do anything else.

Carol asked about the Steinlichts property - there's nothing being done there. �Mike stated he knows there isn't - he made two calls today to try and get an update but I keep leaving messages but keep getting avoided. �Carol asked if we can send letter or something to them. �Tom stated that his recommendation is to use Ordinance Violations and get a lien. �If they can't pay for these pretty minor repairs I take it they are not going to pay for liens that are accumulating. �Carol asked if Mike knows if the house was left to the brother. �Mike has talked to the brother several times. �Originally he was very cooperative. �Carol said maybe Donnie Meiners got to him. �Mike thinks that could be possible.

Mayor Ric Onken thinks it would be better to get the information from these people and can go back to Veronica and say everything you have told us is false.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to adjourn. �Trustee Rick Wagoner seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Kiper, Village Clerk
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