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Back To Board Minutes Listing March 5, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes | Monday, April 30, 2012
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, March 5, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

Trustees present were: �David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; �Trustee Rick Vance was absent.

Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Village Attorney Tom Shields; Police Chief Mike Scott; Superintendent Damon Getty.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. �Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Absent; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of February, 2012. �Beginning Balance as of 02/01/12 �- �$97,628.72; �Ending Balance as of 02/29/12 �- �$95,303.61; �Decrease for the month of February �- �($2,325.11)

Trustee David Rathke made a motion to pay the bills as presented. �Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Absent; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, Trustee Lonnie Meiner reported that all funds have been paid.

Lonnie reported that Nancy has opened a Savings Account for the Water/Sewer Maintenance. �The Village has saved approximately $500.00 per month in the four (4) months that the new sewer system has been operational. �Nancy reported that an initial balance of $2,000.00 was put into the account when it was opened.

Lonnie asked Nancy if all accounts are pretty accurate now. �Nancy reported that she transferred $3,000.00 over to Police Squad Car Account which makes the budgeted amount.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper stated that the General Fund was reimbursed $1,879.40 for January and $823.58 for February from Motor Fuel Tax. �The Village is looking at replacing the water main on South Harrison Street within the next two years.

Nancy reported that the State paid everything except didn't get any Income Tax this month.

Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, Trustee David Rathke reported that the Activities Report for the Police Department for the month of February, 2012 is in your folders.

Police Chief Mike Scott reported on the progress of the Sticklen property. �Mike stated that there has been some effort made on the yard but hasn't been anything done to the house. �Mike stated they have been in on three occasions since our last meeting. �The two gentlemen that were here and spoke to us on their willingness to help on the property stopped in to talk to me and to tell me what their plan was. �As you can tell by their pictures they have accomplished some things. �Cut down weeds and overgrown bushes. �Have cleaned up the clutter and put it in an organized pile. �Mike stated we still need to push on something obviously being done with the house itself. �Mike stated he stopped and talked to Veronica and she said that right now the holdup is his car is broke down and he lives in Bloomington and is waiting on his income tax. �Mike stated he will keep pushing. �He told Veronica that he still needs weekly reports whether anything is done or not.

Trustee Rick Wagoner stated I would like to see us give them a goal and stick to it. �That night of the hearing they were to give us goal of what they are shooting for. �David Rathke asked if it was the two guys working on the property that came in and talked to you - not the Sticklens. �Mike stated that is correct. �Trustee Carol Stephenson stated it looks like there is still a lot of junk there - Mike said oh there is. �Mike stated that another concern is the rotting wood that is sitting around which could be a magnet for termites, rodents, etc. �Mike stated that some movement has been made but there is a whole lot more that needs to be done. �Mike stated just making one big pile in the back yard is not going to be the answer.

Trustee David Rathke stated he is concerned that the two gentlemen that were here came up and spoke with Mike but the Sticklen's themselves did not communicate at all.

Trustee Rick Wagoner stated if they do not give us goals this next time around then we need to set a goal for them. �Mayor Ric Onken stated he thinks they need a time limit because they can drag this out forever. �Trustee Rick Wagoner stated we originally told them they had to come up every Friday and give a weekly report plus the goals for the next week then we could actually tell if there is any progress made.

Trustee Carol Stephenson stated this is just another excuse this is just another stall.

Mike stated another update on the two cases I talked to you about last month. �One is still at the Attorney General's Office and I haven't heard back from that yet.

On the other case, Mike stated he got a call from the FBI and they are taking the case - which they have referred to their office in San Francisco. �I expect to hear from them any day. �Usually what they look at is how much the victim is out and since we recovered the check he really isn't out anything. �The guy started talking and telling them has has been doing this for years now. �That's when he caught their attention. �He thought maybe they could work backwards and see what they can find. �Dave asked if that was done over the phone and not the internet. �Mike said yes it was on the phone.

Mike reported on the Community Meeting that we have set for Monday, March 19th. �Mike stated are doing a 6:30 p.m. for refreshments and then 7:00 for the presentation. �Dave Dodson from the bank will be assisting along with myself and Tom. �We have had some good response but one bad thing we lost our location. �We were going to have it at the EMCAA building but then the evening we picked is the night before the election and they have to set up that night. �Will just have it here and that way we can repost it. �We will make the changes. �Mike stated he sent a Nixel and will send another Nixel with the change of address for the meeting place.

Miek stated this is sponsored by the Village Board and I would sure like to see your support there and anybody and everybody you can bring with you. �This is really something we need to make an effort to get out there. �Dave stated it is an area wide thing so anyone in the school district could attend.

Mike asked for any ideas or suggestions that anyone has.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that we are going to be issuing a new liquor license this week to the new owners of the grocery store.

Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, Trustee Rick Wagoner reported that Damon had an estimate on cost of the water main on Harrison Street down by the school. �This gives us an idea of what we aree going to be looking at. �This would be from Wood Street to Riverview.

There were forty-two (42) estimated readings this month. �There were two shut offs this month. �One is still off but there is enough deposit to cover if he doesn't come back in and pay it.

The resident that was previously shut off came in and paid and got the water turned back on. �The resident who complained about the water bill being high came in and paid.

Rick reported that Damon would like three cases of meters at $215.00 per meter. �Rick reported that Dave changed twenty-seven (27) meters last month. �Nancy stated that some of the meters haven't been in for a month so won't know the difference in water billing until next month.

Rick asked Damon what they found out on that meter. �Damon stated they didn't send it in - John is here tonight. �John Nagy stated he wanted to stop by and get on the agenda for next month and find out what is required. �John addressed the Board about his water bill situation and had a chart showing his water bills history. �Lonnie Meiner asked if you can see your meter and nothing is moving when no water is on in the house. �John stated no. �There are three people in the family. �Rick Wagoner stated that from 12/5 to 3/5 you were about $100.00 then you stabled out for a few months. �Then in 10/10 you had a spike and they made repairs on the water softener. �Now you are again around $100.00.

John stated they have been doing meter readings. �There are many times that it is the same in the morning as it was the night before unless the softener recycles. �We were asked to not worry about the individual gallons we measure by tenths. �Mayor Ric Onken asked if we can change the meter out and if that solves the problem then put the meter in somewhere else. �Trustee Rick Wagoner stated that it sounds like the problem has somewhat corrected itself since we are back down to $100.00 for this month's bill. �If we put another meter in and we stay at the $100.00 base we still don't know if that meter failed. �Mr. Nagy stated there is something that occurred between January 4th and the 31st and the only thing I know that happened around that time is that the hydrants were flushed. �We did have a lot of air in the lines. �There was a good collection of water over by the school. �Damon stated we had a water main break - we didn't shut the water off. �Mr. Nagy stated I don't know - something happened and at which case air ended up in our lines. �I know water meters are meant to measure water so if you take the meter out and you measure water at a low, medium or high pressure it is going to measure that water. �What happens if you introduce air into it? �Mr. Nagy stated honestly if we used 32,000 gallons of water - if that went through the meter I should have some kind of damage then I could fix it.

When we do the water main work at the school the water will be shut off at different locations. �We have a 45 pound pressure line so air doesn't get into it.

Rick Wagoner stated that when your Culligan system quit on 10/9 it looks pretty similar to what has happened here because now it is back to normal. �Rick state I think it is best to send the meter in and have it checked. �If the meter comes back and checks out alright. �Ric Onken stated that is if it looks like it has fixed itself then meter will come back ok and still won't know what the problem is.

Go ahead and change out the meter and get it checked. �Ric asked Mr. Nagy when is a good time for them to come and change it. �Mr. Nagy stated I just don't think it is going to fix the issue. �Ric stated it is a good start. �Mr. Nagy stated I don't believe it was just water that went through the meter. �Ric stated that the first step we can do is change the meter out and go from there. �Don't want to wait another month for this.

Ric told Damon to figure out a time when can go change the meter out.

Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, Trustee Carol Stephenson reported that the only thing she wanted to address is that she walks in the park regularly and she found out that there has really been a lot of vandalism there. �In the daytime there have been adults and kids and they are taking the memorial markers and using them for their markers out in the playing area for their football game. �How do you know the markers are getting back to the right trees that the families donate? �Police Chief Mike Scott asked if we have any idea of who the kids were.

Someone is now living in the apartment area above the A W Building and they have a dog. �They walk their dog and bring it down to the sidewalk and the dog poops on the sidewalk and they don't clean it up.

Rick Wagoner asked Tom if it should be zoned residential for them to have an apartment up there. �Tom told Mike there should be some kind of Ordinance Violation that applies to this.

The next item on the agenda under old business Mark Miller wanted to address the board regarding Internet Services. �He stated he wan't getting fast enough internet service but is with Mediacom now and it is better. �Mark thinks that room for small villages could be available to run an internet service of some kind. �Mark is researching this more before he makes a presentation.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to adjourn. �Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Absent; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Kiper, Village Clerk
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