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Back To Board Minutes Listing October 3, 2011 board meeting minutes | Thursday, January 26, 2012
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, October 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

Trustees present were: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; �Lonnie Meiner was absent.

Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Village Attorney Tom Shields; Superintendent Damon Getty; Police Chief Mike Scott.

Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. �Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of September, 2011. �Beginning Balance as of September 1, 2011 �- �$81,410.82; �Ending Balance as of September 30, 2011 �- �$67,243.93; �Decrease for September, 2011 �- �($14,166.89).

There was $1,500.00 paid on the loan at Peoples State Bank.

Nancy explained that there was a bill from Ed Duran for $139.00 for the last meeting he was at on August 1st. �Nancy didn't put it on the bills until she discussed it with the Board.

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to pay the bills as presented. �Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Engineers Mike Friend and Paul Brown were here from Andrews Engineering in Pontiac to meet and address the Board. �Mr. Friend reported that their main office is in Springfield, Illinois but he has worked at the Pontiac, Illinois branch since 1979. �A statement of qualifications was distributed to the Board. �He explained that they met with the Board Committee about the Firm. �Our client basis is full of small town municipalities.

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked which engineer would be working on our projects. �Mike explained it depends on whose level of training would be required for a particular job. �Paul Brown does all of our MFT work and Working with IDOT.

Mayor Ric Onken asked if they were familiar with the Tonka Water System. �They stated that they had actually toured our water plant a few years ago when the Village of Gridley came over and were looking to purchase this system.

Trustee Carol Stephenson stated we were very satisfied with them.

Trustee Rick Vance stated that he spoke with people extensively and had a list of questions he wanted to address with them but that they told him how their firm works and answered all of his questions before he asked them. �He feels we might have to pay a little money for them but they are very good. �Rick was impressed with their professional way they do things and that is what we need. Rick was impressed with their professional way they do things and that is what we need.

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to hire Andrews Engineering on an as needed basis. �Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Explained the Public Infrastructure Grants and asked about whether the Village has done an income study. �There are Project Ready grants. �Ric Onken asked if there were any grants for Wind Towers.

Trustee Rick Wagoner suggested setting up a Finance Committee meeting with Damon, Nancy, and see where we are as far as where we are going.

Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, Trustee Lonnie Meiner was absent.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that the Audit Reports were in folders for the Board's review.

The DCEO Grant money was used to pay the first half of the Sewer Upgrade Project.

Nancy reported talking to Mediacom since we hadn't received any money since we did the new Franchise Agreement. �Esther said she didn't know why we hadn't received anything yet because she submitted it. �She will check and see what the status is.

Nancy reported receiving a letter from FEMA that should receive the money within six to eight weeks. �The money has be allocated to FEMA since it was reported that FEMA had no money.

Have bee receiving the rent $650.00 per month from U S Cellular.

Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, Trustee David Rathke reported that the Activities Report for the Police Department for the month of September is in the folders.

Dave reported on the Police Committee meeting. �The Committee talked about the regulations on the Golf Carts.

Police Chief Mike Scott gave an update on the Pool Drive situation. �The Committee feels that speed bumps are the answer but because the pool is already closed for the year will wait until next spring to put them in that way won't have to take them right back up for snow plowing in the winter.

Mike reported on the issues with the Main Street property of Randy Reynolds. �Mike reported that he has taken care of several of the issues but glad he is here tonight to discuss the ones he wants to contest. �Mike stated that what he has done so far have been satisfactory.

Trustee Carol Stephenson asked which ones still need resolved. �A drive shaft; the antique vehicle; abandoned/inoperable race car; discussion about parking in front of his house and will park with the flow of traffic. �He said that he and the Board came to an understanding years ago about the fire hydrant in front of his house. �Trustee Rick Wagoner stated that is a county road and common since says not to block the fire hydrant.

Mike stated that he has enrolled in a new mandated training that has come out for "Unattended/Suspicious Death". �This is a one week training and is at no cost to the Village.

Mike reported that there is a Grant Writing class in November that if the Board wants him to he would like to take. �It is through ILEAS and is $299.00 for a two day course. �The course is November 9th and 10th!

Trustee David Rathke made a motion for Mike Scott to attend the ILEAS Grant Writing Training November 9th and 10th for a cost of $299.00. �Trustee Rick Wagoner seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Mike stated that he has applied through New Dawn Technology. �They give out $10,000.00 grant every year for a community project. �Mike applied for a park/picnic area with a "Monument for Veterans".

Mike stated that in the process of applying for the school grant he learned that it is a reimbursement grant. �That means we have to pay for the project upfront and then will get reimbursed. �Mike stated before we go clear into this he wants to make sure the Board is ok with that. �Mike stated this is a four (4) or five (5) year grant.

Mike stated that the owner of 114 East Main Street is Todd Clark who lives at Rural Route Bloomington. �Mike has made a telephone call to see what his plans are for the property.

Trustee Carol Stephenson asked about the Steinlicht property. �Mike stated that once they are through going through everything on the property they are going to let Tom Ales go through and salvage what he wants and then Don Meiners is going to purchase the property and bulldoze the house in.

Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committees, Trustee Rick Wagoner asked Superintendent Damon Getty to give an update on the Tonka representative that came and went through the water plant. �Damon reported that they reset everything and were to send a report but he hasn't received it yet.

Damon stated that they were to send a list of the changes and recommended updates to the plant.

Damon reported that are suppose to start the sewer upgrade next week and it should be up and running by Friday.

Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, Trustee Carol Stephenson stated that everything she had has been taken care of with the engineers. �Carol was asked from some senior citizens -wondered if the town has ever considered trying to get a dollar store to come to Colfax. �Trustee Rick Wagoner stated that years ago - even before Casey's - talked about it but.

Ric Onken stated that he knows someone and maybe can get the information for whom to contact. �Any business we can get in here would be good.

The first item under old business was regarding the building next door. �It has gone no where at this point. �Octavia Fire Board Trustee Ed Eades would like to set up a meeting with the Mayor and whoever else wants to be there.

The next item on the agenda was an update on the Sticklen property and the sixty (60) day deadline. �Mark and Veronica Sticklen stated."We have been putting out anywhere from $1,600.00 to $2,000.00 and we don't even have gas in our home to keep our heat for this winter. �I can't get out there and clean up the yard if I get stung right now it will kill me."

Trustee Carol Stephenson asked Mike if he has some community service. �Carol asked if they would be willing to have community service people come in to help. �Mike stated that we have done that before and I am always willing to help out and do that. �Fortunately, there are no community service people at this time.

Carol stated that she cannot believe that there is not an answer that something cannot be done to get the mess cleaned up. �It would be in your best interest and make you fell better about your place.

Veronica stated, "We are not going to be able to put the porch back on. �My father was suppose to put 2 x 6's and he only used 1 x 6's on and it has to be all take off again and use 2 x 6's".

Carol asked Veronica if the roof was leaking. �Veronica stated, "Yes it is. �It is leaking in the back, from the top all of the way back because the person that put the roof on didn't put it on correctly so now the whole entire backside of our house has to be redone." �Carol asked, "Do you have mold?" �Veronica said, "Yes, inside the back bedroom - in the new part of the back bedroom."

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked Veronica and Mark, "Do you feel it is a safe and healthy structure?" �Veronica stated, "At this time, I am not living in the backside of the house. �I am in the living room." �Carol stated if you have mold that's not good. �Veronica said, "It is not that bad in the living room. �I can tear it out I would just have to wear a mask and take a hammer to it to tear it out. �It's not that big of an area." �Mayor Ric Onken stated but mold travels. �Veronica stated, "Yes, but there is nothing I can do about it. �All of my kids are gone. �All married and grown and they do not come around. �My nephews have their own families."

Ric asked Mike Scott who the help was that he was going to get for Jim Steinlicht. �Mike stated that was through Rural Development and they have to be sixty-two (62) and older. �It is based on income and age. �Mark makes to much money.

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked again, "Do you think the house is safe with the conditions you have?"

Veronica stated, "It is fine. �We have a support beam holding up the roof in the living room. �The support beam is doing its job and has been there for years. �When the tree came down on the living room it busted a beam there and it broke the front part of that porch off. �I had to take all of that off - it was falling off anyway."

Carol asked, "Are you getting caught up with the bank then?"

Veronica stated, ' We are just now getting back down to where we only pay a little over $300.00 per month. �Now that we can start paying on the gas bill so we can get gas for winter and �now our electricity is way up. �They will be cutting that pretty soon."

Randy Reynolds stated there should be programs to help them on their gas.

Veronica stated, "I am going to have surgery next week on both of my hands."

Ric Onken asked if Nicor has a program. �Veronica stated, "We tried that!" �It is income too.

Veronica stated, "They say Mark makes too much money. �Well that is fine but they cut me by half on my social security/Medicaid. �They took half of it away from me."

Carol stated, "It sounds like the house needs a great deal. �It needs quite a bit of work. �Maybe you would be better off to find another place to live."

Veronica stated, "Better means - �NO! �We have put our whole -all of our money - into that house."

Carol said I know but you have nothing to show for it right now. �It is a dump.

Veronica stated, "There is nothing I can do about it. �You guys think you can put us out on the street. �Where in the devil would we go? �We have nowhere to go."

Chief Scott had all of the kids come in. �Carol asked there is Habitat for Humanity - could we get something like that Mike. �Mike stated he could make a phone call.

Randy Reynolds stated why don't you see if you can get a group of people to volunteer and go in there and help. �Carol stated that is another thing. �The church went up there one time.

Veronica stated, "I have tried to get grants. �Mark doesn't have time. �I am on oxygen 24/7 and the only time I can do anything is in the winter months and can get out there in that yard."

Rick Wagoner stated that is where it points to our concern - you are on oxygen and it has to be an issue with your health. �It can't be good for your health issues.

Veronica staqted, "I have fiber myalgia - I am on pain killers and they are going to put a pain pump on 24/7 pretty soon. �I take 93 different kinds of medicine and put my whole pay check out just for medicine."

Ric Onken asked Veronica if she is sure it isn't the mold that is causing all of these problems. �Veronica stated, "No!"

Veronica stated, "We had taken it out - took the whole backside of that house out and the roof and I fixed it up myself. �It was fine. �We had three trees fall on that house - one in the living room, one on the backside of the house and another three took out the backside of the house and then some. �We had to pay someone close to $1,p000.00 to come in and take the tree of f of the house.

Do you think that you foresee a time?

Veronica stated, "I will get it back together eventually. �My husband can't do it - he doesn't know anything about carpentry. �I have done it all of the carpentry, electricity, and plumbing in there."

Carol asked Mike if he could see what help is out there. �Mike stated he will make a call to Rural Development.

Veronica asked, "Is there a way - he has the flooring, carpeting and stuff that I am suppose to put in my living room at the lumber yard."

Ric Onken stated we understand your situation but the Board is under the same - we get a lot of complaints about the property. �It is our responsibility to try to do something about it. �I am sure you are aware of that. �Whatever the case may be we need to try to do something to improve it. �Community service kids can only do yard work they cannot do carpentry work.

Carol stated that she thinks John Molck went to work for Habitat for Humanity. �Ric Onken stated yes - we will see what we can do. �It is going to take a lot more to get it back to where it should be.

Veronica stated I need 15 sheets of plywood. �I called my cousin to see if we can get the front of the closed in. �The wiring and everything else.

Ric asked Mike if he has information on the golf carts. �Mike stated the first thing the Board needs to consider is if you want to allow these types of vehicles on the village streets. �If you determine that the answer is yes then the committee looked at an idea for an ordinance and discussed several issues. �I added a copy to your folders and did a working copy of what we came up with and what we think are improtant.

The first part identifies the vehicles. �What it excludes are the All-Terrain Vehicles and Off Highway Motorcycles. �Mike explained several items in this ordinance and how it would be handled. �Everyone would have to reapply for a permit each year at a cost of $50.00 per calendar year. �The Committee is suggesting 18 years of age or older with a valid driver's license and the minimum insurance required on each vehicle. �The only other consideration that I came up with they required seat belts on any of these vehicles that manufactured rollover bars. �Some of the towns put an age limit on passengers too. �Mike stated he was told by the county that they will not honor our ordinance on county roads and that they will enforce the law if anyone is driving one of these vehicles on Harrison Street. �You can only go across but they will not honor the ordinance if driving on Harrison. �Mike stated first of all you have to come here to get it inspected which is on Harrison Street.

Mike explained that the law exempts farmers as long as they are using it for a farm operation. �Mike stated they actually exempted farmers last year.

Mayor Ric Onken asked the Board what they think about this. �Trustee Rick Wagoner said one thing will have to consider is the age of a passenger. �Mike asked if we really want a child strapped into a vehicle without rollover protection.

Mike stated the last item in this is the one I am most interested in. �"The Right to Revoke". �This would give the Chief of Police or his designee that right to revoke this for anyone breaking these rules. �Mike stated they should have to sign a paper stating that they know that the Rules of the Road will apply. �DUI will apply - cannot throw the cooler in the back and go around town drinking.

Rick Wagoner stated Mike covered a lot of information. �Rick stated that he doesn't feel there will be that many people using this with the $50.00 fee and the equipment and the not being able to drive them on Harrison Street. �Trustee Carol Stephenson asked what the speed limits are on these things. �Mike stated that a golf cart is around 20 mph but the others go up to 80 mph. �Rick Wagoner stated we aren't rushed into this and have the board members look over this and see what you think.

Ric Onken stated table until next meeting. �Ric stated some of the other villages that have this and is wondering if Mike could talk to other villages and see if they have had any problems yet.

Mike asked Village Attorney Tom Shields if there was anything that you think should be changed. �Tom stated the "Right to Revoke" thing. �Tom asked if it came from Mike - it is either the revocation of the vehicle not the owner. �Mike asked if there is a say to write it to do this. �Mike doesn't want them to not be able to ride one and they have another one so they jump on it and drive it.

Next on the agenda, Ric stated there was an issue with a broken sewer tile at the ambulance shed. �Damon stated they are working on it almost done. �Ric asked resident Randy Reynolds if there were any more issues. �Randy asked where we stood as far as the easement. �Ric asked Damon if he talked to Mike Doran at U S Cellular. �Damon stated that he tried several times but he won't return my calls. �Ric will try to contact Mike Doran regarding this.

Ric reported on the Citizen Planner Workshop on Friday, November 18th at a cost of $20.00.

Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to adjourn. �Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. �Vote: �Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Absent; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Kiper, Village Clerk
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