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Back To Board Minutes Listing July 5, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Tuesday evening, July 5, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

Trustees present were: �Rick Vance �- �Aye;�Jason Pierce �- �Aye;�Lonnie Meiner �- �Aye;�Rick Wagoner �- �Aye. �David Rathke and Carol Stephenson were absent.

Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson, Village Attorney Tom Shields, Superintendent Damon Getty, Police Chief Mike Scott, Village Engineer Ed Duran.

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented.� Trustee Rick Vance seconded the motion.� Vote:� Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Absent; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer�s Report for the month of June, 2011.

Beginning Balance as of 06/01/11 � � $66,067.44; �Ending Balance as of 06/30/11 � � $61,555.81; �Decrease for June, 2011 � � ($ 4,511.63).

Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to pay the bills as presented.� Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion.� Vote:� Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Absent; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Trustee Lonnie Meiner, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, reported as Linda stated there was another loan payment made at the Bank.� Balance of $3,900.00 on loan.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that we will be getting another extra distribution for MFT this year.� It didn�t say how much but last year it was around $3,500.00.� Nancy reported that we haven�t received the FEMA money or the rest of the DCEO Grant.

Lonnie stated he will be setting up a Finance Committee meeting before the August council meeting.

In Trustee David Rathke�s absence as Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, Police Chief Mike Scott reported that the Police Reports for the activities of the Police Department for the month of June, 2011 are in the folders.

Police Chief Mike Scott updated the Board in regard to the Steinlicht house incident.� Mike reported the Mr. Steinlicht came in and talked to Mike.� Mike stated he was in a very cooperative mood and realized that he has a lot of work to do to bring his house in compliance.� Stated he wants to do this but he has no funds in order to do this.� Mike stated that Nancy reminded him that Rural Development might have something to help him.� Mike stated there is a grant for people 62 and older of low income of $7,500.00.� Mike stated that he printed everything off along with the names of contact people and took it to him.� Mike stated he seemed real appreciative.� Mike hopes he will make contact with them.

Mike also reported that he is NIMES Compliant again.� He took the latest online course for this year.

Mike also reported on a new Grant from IDOT called �Safe Routes to School Program�!�� This is a grant from IDOT with the idea of the community being safe for children going to and from school.� One benefit of this grant is the it funds the construction and replacement of sidewalks in the Village.

Mike stated that he there was some concern about the training of our part-time officers because of there other full time jobs.� The stated finally put some online training out so that the guys can get online and get their training.

Lonnie stated he doesn�t know how many people are involved but he stated he has had some complaints about the county being in town and writing seatbelt tickets.

Mike stated that there is one deputy bent on setting the record for seat belts tickets.� Mike stated he wrote over 800 last year and is wanting to set the record again this year.� He is going out to all of the towns in the county and writing seat belt tickets.� There have been numerous complaints.� There was a complaint at our last Rural Chiefs meeting.

Trustee Rick Wagoner, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, reported on the Water Committee meeting held at 6:30 on July 5, 2011 prior to the regular board meeting.� The Committee meeting was held to discuss the problems we are having with the new control panel.

Rick Wagoner asked Village Engineer if he has heard anything regarding the Permit at the sewer plant.� Ed Duran stated that July 11th is our 90 day deadline of when they have to have our response.� Basically we have to know something by then or we default into a permit.

Rick stated that Damon has had some more meters delivered.� There are still 165 meters installed.� Damon stated he hasn�t had any to install.

In the absence of Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairwoman for the Streets and Lights Committee,� Mayor Ric Onken asked Trustee Rick.

Vance if he knew of anything for the Streets report.� The MFT will come up later on the agenda.

Alisha Mc Cumsey stated that she would like to ask permission to have a live band at their residence on Saturday, July 23, 2011 from approximately 7 - 10 p.m.� She has talked to the neighbors and they do not have a problem with it.� Mike stated the only thing that might be an issue is to make sure that there is room to get an emergency vehicle through the streets.� Mike stated that if he has any complaints they will have to come down.

First on the agenda under Old Business was the issue of �whites� pickup in the Village.� Mike stated that he talked to Tom Ales regarding his bid of $200.00 and he will not change his bid.� The question to the Board is whether we want to continue paying someone to do this.� Damon stated that everything is still getting picked up.� Ric stated maybe we should go to so much per appliance.� Damon stated there are guys from Cropsey that come threw and pickup junk appliances too.� Trustee Rick Wagoner stated he would say that as long as they are getting picked up just let it go.� If it begins to be an issue then we can visit this again.

The item on the agenda was the 2011-12 Motor Fuel Tax Resolution.� Village Engineer Ed Duran explained the resolution.

Mayor Ric Onken asked what the culvert repair was.� Ed stated that right now we are looking at replacing the culverts on South Center Street

Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to approve the 2011-12 Motor Fuel Tax Resolution allocating in the amount of $43,000.00.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion.� Vote:� Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Absent; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Nancy asked if we have to approve the bills that we have already gotten for payment out of the new MFT.� Nancy stated but the new MFT hasn�t been approved from IDOT yet.�� Lonnie asked Nancy what she wanted regarding the MFT bills.� Nancy said because we got the bills before anything was ever approved.� Nancy explained that received Ed Duran�s bill and AMZ Road Repair bill and nothing has been approved by IDOT.

Ed stated that they were requested to put together some maps for the high speed internet.� Ric stated that no one said anything about the Village having to pay for this.

Next on the agenda was an update on the progress on the installation of the new signs.� Ric asked Damon what the deadline is for installing these.� The deadline is October 1st.� The penalty for not getting them installed is paying the county back for the signs.� Damon stated biggest problem is that he has to Julie everything.� Damon stated he talked to the locator guy.� Ric stated need to stay on top of this because have to get these done.

Ric explained to the Board that in your packet is a proposal for the Board and the Fire Department regarding the old school district�s office.� Ric explained that Mike did most of the figuring on this and what the school district was using and what the fire dept has.� Ric explained that the school district was paying $290.00 per month rent.� Ric stated Mike and him took this to the Fire District Board last month.

Ric would like the Board�s thoughts on this matter.� Basically if they go with this proposal the Village would be paying an extra $123.00 a month.� Mike stated that is assuming we are going to take over paying a certain percentage.

Trustee Rick Wagoner stated concerned with the money issues.� Wonders if this will affect where we put the high speed internet issue.� Table for next month and see if you come up with a different proposal.

Next on the agenda was the property at 102 South Grove Street in Colfax IL.

Mike stated that he issued two more Ordinance Violations.� Mike stated that he went and took some current pictures at Tom�s request.� Mike stated that he met with Tom last week and put a plan together to take the next step here.� Tom stated that basically we need direction from the Board in the area of Chapter 12 Section 03 - Abatement - dealing with the overall condition of the property and Chapter 12 Section 09 - defines a dangerous building.� With the dangerous building it is the opinion that the building is in fact dangerous.� The Clerk is to issue a written notice to owner/occupant and then things can start rolling in regard to these nuisance matters.� Under Chapter 12 Section10 as Unfit Dwelling.� Tom asked Mike to stated why he feels this is an Unfit Dwelling.

Mike stated that there is damage to house where the house was hit by a tree.� Mike stated that it was reported to Mike by Veronica Sticklen that they have a beam/pole holding the ceiling up from where the tree fell on the house.� Mike said her statement to him that I can�t take that beam out or the house will fall down.� Tom stated the live electrical line hanging down by the front door.� Tom stated� that he is recommending� a finding for �Unfit Dwelling� .� Then the residents receive a placard that designates that the residence is �unfit� and that according to ordinance the defects have to be removed within a reasonable period of time which is usually sixty (60) days to be decided by the Mayor or the President of the Village Board.

Trustee Rick Wagoner stated then we give them a list of the defects.� Tom stated yes.� I would like to have everything in place for a unified agreement for this matter.� Trustee Jason Pierce asked if there is anyway that if something happened the Village would be held liable.� Tom stated probably not since the Village isn�t sitting on it�s hands and Mike has been on the property and issued violations.� Tom asked, �Mike, it is your recommendation!�� Trustee Rick Vance asked what kind of placard is this - a big sign saying this is dangerous property.� Rick stated so you can put the placard on their private property.� Basically the placard would say, �This placard deeming to be unfit.� Voted by the Board of Trustees of the Village Board.�� Tom stated you would have to state the basis for the placard.� Tom stated that is would have to stated that this residence is unsafe for human habitation once we have the Board�s approval.

Mike asked if there is a way without taking this step and just take to court over the Ordinance Violations.� Tom stated you could but the fine would be minimal and wouldn�t have the same effect.� There would be a more lasting effect with the owner with the placard.

Ric Onken asked Mike whatever happened to the foreclosure on the property.� Mike explained what Mark Sticklen told him.� Trustee Rick Wagoner asked what the consequence if we post the sign - then what.� Tom stated under Ordinance Chapter 12 Section 10, Mike said then basically we will obtain a court order leading to demolition.

Tom stated want full board approval.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner asked what our position would the Village be in with the Finance Company.� Tom stated that the only concern would be a lien that we would probably try to enforce but would have a court order dealing with the individuals.

Trustee Rick Vance asked Tom if he has had any other dealings with this.� Tom stated yes.� Tom stated that eighty (80) to ninety (90) percent are resolved by just talking to the homeowner.� Tom stated that one was worked out with the fire department so the demolition cost was minimal.� Rick Wagoner stated the only thing he asks is before posting the placard go to the Sticklens and say this is our next step.

Tom stated that we need to show that this is the Board�s next step.� Tom stated that if you want me to sit down and talk to them I will.� Mike will issue a letter to tell them stating the next step and at next month�s meeting the board can decide which way they want to proceed whether with demolition or with ordinance violations.� Table to next month.

Ric Onken stated so if the sixty (60) days passes and nothing is done and they don�t leave the house then what.� Ric stated you don�t like to force anyone out but this has been going on to long.� Trustee Rick Wagoner asked Village Attorney Tom Shields regarding past experience what has been happened.� Tom said it is very much favorable toward the municipalities.� Tom stated most of the time can limit some of the expense.

Mike Scott asked the Board if they want to pursue the sign to honor the veterans.� Mike stated that the cost if $490.45.� Ric asked the Board if they want to go ahead with this.� Ric asked where the break off times for the Veterans - how far back.� Rick Wagoner said maybe the Legion can give you a number on that.� Rick asked any thoughts as to where you want to put it.� Mike stated his thought is to angle it the opposite way from the present sign.

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper explained about the resident at 305 E North Street who called the other day wanting his water service turned back on - his service has been off since 2009.� Nancy stated that she explained to him how much he owed for the water and also explained to him that his building permit for a �garage only� ran out on April 13, 2005 and he has totally remodeled this house.� He said that we should have contacted him and he didn�t know he need a permit for remodeling the house.� He is a contractor so he did know this.� Anyway Nancy figured up in regard to a $100,000 house for the last eight years he would owe us $2,100.00 for the building permits plus the $193.99 for water plus the reconnect fee.� Nancy explained that there is a penalty for not having a building permit - $200.00 per day which would be $73,000.00 per year.� Nancy explained that he comes in at night when no one is here and works on the house.

Trustee Rick Wagoner asked if we could pursue a lien against the property.

Mayor Ric Onken addressed the issue of complaints he has received regarding Pool Street.� He asked if there was a possibility of making this a one-way street.� Mike stated they will monitor this and see if need to put some speed bumps along there.� It is posted 10 mph.

Superintendent Damon Getty asked the Board what they wanted to do regarding mosquito spraying.� Damon said the cost of the spray is $2,740.00 for a 55-gallon drum - this last four sprays.� Trustee Rick Wagoner asked Damon to monitor and if we need to we can get the spray.� Damon said they can go to Forsythe and pick it up.

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to adjourn.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion.� Vote:� Rick Vance - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Absent; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Kiper

Village Clerk
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