Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Back To Board Minutes Listing March 2, 2009 | Monday, March 2, 2009
��������� The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday evening, March 2, 2009 by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

��������� Trustees present were:

��������� ��������� Donna Poppe ����� ��������� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Dennis Farney����� ��������� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Bruce Green��������� ��������� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Carol Stephenson� ��������� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Lonnie Meiner����� ��������� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� ��������� Rick Wagoner����� ��������� ��������� -��������� Aye

��������� Also present were :

��������� ��������� Village Attorney Tom Shields; Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Superintendent of Public Works Damon Getty; and Police Chief Mike Scott

��������� Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented.� Trustee Bruce Green seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Dennis Farney - Aye; Bruce Green - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for February, 2009.

��������� ��������� Beginning balance 02/01/09����� ��������� $ 71,678,54

��������� ��������� Ending balance 02/28/09�������������������� $ 93,789.98

������������������ ��������� Increase in February����� ��������� $ 22,111.44

Paid on loan at Peoples State Bank of Colfax��������� $ 10,000.00

Still owe on loan������������ ������������������ ��������� ��������� $ 19,000.00

��������� Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to pay the bills as presented.� Trustee Dennis Farney seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Dennis Farney - Aye; Bruce Green - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Trustee Lonnie Meiner, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, reported that Village Clerk Nancy Kiper has applied for some stimulus money from the Illinois EPA for the Sewer project.� The application has been put together and mailed.� Will have to see what the loan would be and what the grant would be and what the Village's obligation would be.

��������� Lonnie reported that he talked to Superintendent Damon Getty regarding� IMRF retirement.� Will have some meetings and talk about this for some employees.

��������� Mayor Ric Onken reported that he will try to call Shane Cultra's office and see if he knows if we are going to get any stimulus money.

��������� Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairwoman of the Police and Liquor Committee, gave the activity report for the Police Department for the month of February, 2009.

��������� Carol reported about the Police Committee meeting they had the previous week.� Carol reported they discussed the new working schedule that Mike and Damon have been doing.� The Committee also talked about the old 1994 Crown Vic squad car that is not being used for anything.� The Committee feels that Mike will continue to work two nights and three days and Damon will work two nights on police and three days on public works until April 1st.� Beginning in April, Mike will drop to one evening and four days until May.� Damon will work one evening and four days until May when he will stop working for Police Department due to heavy work load as superintendent.

��������� Mike reported that the 1994 Crown Vic is the one the Village put the new motor in.� The car itself has 138,000 miles on it - the motor/transmission put in in 2005 have significantly less than that.� The issue is that it's doing no one any good just sitting there.� Does the Village want to sell it and get what we can for it, then put the money into the Police Squad Car Account or an option the Committee suggested is to strip police equipment off and just use as a city car.

��������� Mayor Ric Onken asked Mike what he thought it was worth.� Damon stated probably around $2,000.00.� Trustee Carol Stephenson stated the Village will never get back what they have put into it.� Trustee Dennis Farney asked Mike if he would have any problems driving it back and forth to Bloomington.� Dennis feels the Board just needs to let Mike drive it back and forth because $2,000.00 isn't much to get out of this vehicle.

��������� Ric Onken asked the Police Committee to meet and make a decision before the next meeting.

��������� Dennis asked Village Attorney Tom Shields what the Village would have to do in terms of selling/using this vehicle.� Tom stated as village property the Board has to decide whether the property has anymore use� to the Village.� There would have to be a resolution passed.� Dennis asked Tom if the Village has to take bids on the vehicle.� Generally there would be a public sale but if you have an appraised value, could sell at the appraised value.� If someone is ready to buy for appraised value.� Mike stated that all of the police equipment is off of the car.

��������� Mike reported on the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.� Their grant for a new squad car is open again and the Village is eligible again to apply.� This is a seventy-five percent (75%) and the Village would pay twenty-five percent (25%) grant.� Mike stated they are earmarking hybrid cars this year.� They are earmarking forty percent (40%) of the grants have to be spent on hybrid vehicles.� Currently the Village has $7,400.00 in the Squad Car Account to cover the twenty-five percent (25%).�

��������� Mike reported the state bid holder is Bill Jacobs in Joliet for the Chevy Impala.� The base price is $18,277.00.� The Ford state bid holder is Landmark Ford in Springfield.� The base price for the Crown Vic is $20,668.00. �Twenty five percent (25%) would be around $5,100.00.

��������� Both of these dealerships accept trades, which could significantly reduce our end of this.� The 2002 has 90,000 miles which we could trade it in and throw in the 1994.� One thing occurred to Mike is that most of the police departments are not going to be in a hurry to jump on the hybrid cars.� The traditional vehicles are the Crown Vic and the Chevy Impalas.� There are no SUV's in this grant.

��������� The Ford Escape is $29,000.00; our part would be $7,400.00.� The Ford Escape is a hybrid SUV.� Hybrids get better gas mileage in town than on the highway.� Mike would like the Board consent to apply for this grant and some advice on whether to go with the traditional care or the hybrid car.

��������� Trustee Rick Wagoner stated would at least be doubling the gas mileage with the hybrid.� This would save half of the fuel per year.�

Rick would like a comparison on the fuel mileage and how much it might save with the hybrid vehicle.

��������� Mike stated the Board has to decide which you want to apply for.� Trustee Donna Poppe questioned about where we can get the repairs done on the hybrid car and how much the repairs would cost.� Donna asked if there was a time limit on when you can apply for this grant.� Mike stated it has to be turned in by� March 31st.� Donna feels that without knowing what the costs would be on the hybrid should go with the traditional gas motor.

��������� Rick asked Tom if the Board could make a motion saying can apply after the Committee does research.� Tom asked if there is a reason why you wouldn't go ahead and apply, then you can just turn it down if you don't want it.� Mike said I'm sure you could turn it down, just don't be in a hurry to re-apply again. Have to know which car to apply for.

��������� Ric Onken hasn't heard what kind of maintenance is involved with the hybrid car.� Tom stated there are many negatives regarding the batteries, disposal of them and question as to whether will standup to demands of police department.� Can make a motion with amount not to exceed and let the Police Committee work out the details.� Trustees Lonnie Meiner and Dennis Farney recommend the Crown Vic.

��������� Mike stated that one thing we know all of our equipment will fit into a Crown Vic, not sure with the hybrid.

��������� Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to apply for the grant with a an amount not to exceed the seventy five percent of the base price of $20,668.00 and $7,000.00 or twenty-five percent for the Village's portion of the State Bid Crown Vic.� Trustee Donna Poppe seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Dennis Farney - Aye; Bruce Green - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Mike has copies of the vehicle log for the 2002 if anyone wants to see it.

��������� The LESO is a federal program that costs $150.00 per year.� They will give the police department a password to go shopping.� This is all military surplus stuff.� One thing you have to tell them what you are using this for.� Our cost would be for shipping.� Mike attached copies of some of the things available.� Thought we could try this for a year and see.

��������� Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, Trustee Rick Wagoner reported that everyone has copies of the stimulus from IEPA.� This will be either in grant form or loan form.� Per Ed this will move pretty fast - 30 to 60 days.� The project is broke down into four (4) categories.

��������� Ric Onken reported that the state wide tornado drill was to be done on Tuesday, March 3rd but due to the ISAT tests at school the drill will be done on Tuesday, March 17th @ 8:30 a.m. instead.

��������� The batteries have been checked on both sirens and are in good operating order.

��������� Rick Wagoner asked Village Clerk Nancy Kiper how the state was paying.� Nancy reported that the Village has received money in all of the categories this month.� State is not that far behind now.� As long as they keep paying, will be ok.


��������� Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, Trustee Dennis Farney reported there will be some patch work done on the streets.� Still need to get together� and see what our MFT will be for this summer.

��������� Next on the agenda was regarding the Annexation of the property at 329 North Harrison.� Ric asked the Board if they had all received the letter from Village Attorney Tom Shields regarding this.

��������� Tom addressed this issue.� Would have to have an agreement with the owners that they would abide by the Village's ordinances.

��������� Can bring a property in on a septic system but it has to be subjected to Village review for maintenance and county regulations.� Need to start out with the fact that it has an approved system to begin with.� Can't bring in a system that is not up to code or the Village would be required to move that sewer along and get the property hooked up.

��������� The one thing the Village needs is a written statement from the Health Department that the property does pass inspection.� Then we can do the annexation agreement where we are going to require a public works person to do a periodic inspection to make sure the septic system is still in good working order.� Once the sewer lines extend to within that specific distance in the ordinance of within 200 feet then the owner will be required to tap on and pay for at the owner's expense as far as that situation with the excavation.� The Village's only expense would be for the extension of the main which would be a public improvement but not going to be required to make that extension.

��������� Trustee Rick Wagoner asked where the main was - Damon stated by Curt Johnson's.� The main is within the 200 feet - approximately 175 feet.� It is going to have to have an injection feed.�

��������� Trustee Donna Poppe asked Tom Shields if he is within the required 200 feet the owner is required to hook it up within ninety (90) days.� This is what the ordinance reads.� Someone needs to let the owner know.

��������� Trustee Rick Wagoner asked Nancy to touch base with Shawn and they can setup a Water and Sewer Committee meeting if he wants to talk to them.�

��������� Mayor Ric Onken asked if anyone had any questions regarding the cellular tower.� Trustee Carol Stephenson asked if this will help the other cellular customers or will they put other dishes on this tower.� Business Owner Nancy Hinrichsen reported to the Board that she asked that questions and they told her it was "none of her business".�

��������� Tom Shields stated that the zoning ordinance antiquated, the Village never anticipated a tower going up in the Village of Colfax.� He feels the Village should do an ordinance regarding maintenance, etc. for this tower.

��������� Mayor Ric Onken asked Tom if he has had time to go over the new Building Code.

��������� Mayor Ric Onken asked about the donation to Show Bus.� Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that she called Show Bus to see how many riders they have from Colfax but they never got back to her.� Table until April.

��������� Ric reported receiving a letter from AmerenIP and explained his meeting with the Ameren representatives.

��������� Two representatives from After Prom Committee were present to request a donation from the Village for the After Prom Party.

��������� Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to donate $100.00 to the After Prom Committee from the Village of Colfax.� Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Dennis Farney - Aye; Bruce Green - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Mayor Ric Onken asked if everyone had reviewed the CIDP information he handed out last month.� The Mayor feels this is something we should consider.� He hasn't heard anything back from them.� Marti is looking at our website - table until next month.

��������� Trustee Carol Stephenson reported on the article "Illinois Main Street".� There is a grant for upgrading the business districts.� Suggested everyone should read this.

��������� Ric reported that last year he spoke with U of I about renovating the downtown area.� He didn't get anywhere but Rural Development can help with some money but have to have a cost of what it would be.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner asked if the zoning board does anything with uniforming Main Street.� Ric stated that is something that we can look at too.� Ric asked Trustee Bruce Green about the material that can be put on the outside of the walls of Hooligan's and the Legion buildings.� Bruce stated the cost of this if expensive - $55.00 for a� 3� gallon tub.

��������� Mike Scott reported on a new Early Notification Program spearheaded by Normal Police Department.� This is for disabled people and is reported to Metcom, so that emergency personnel can be notified of this at the time of a page out.� Mike has some pamphlets on this and will try to get this in the paper so that people can sign up for it.

��������� Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to adjourn.� Trustee Donna Poppe seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Dennis Farney - Aye; Bruce Green - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

������������������ ������������������ ��������� ��������� Respectfully submitted,

������������������ ������������������ ��������� ��������� Nancy Kiper

������������������ ������������������ ������������������ �Village Clerk

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