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Back To Board Minutes Listing April 4, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes | Monday, May 16, 2011
���� The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, April 4, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

���� Trustees present were:� Donna Poppe - Aye; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye.� Trustees David Rathke and Bruce Green were absent.

���� Also present were:� Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Village Attorney Tom Shields; Police Chief Mike Scott; Superintendent Damon Getty.

������ Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes�for the regular monthly meeting and the special meeting and approve as presented.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Bruce Green - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

���� Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of March, 2011.� Beginning Balance as of 03/01/2011� -� $48,280.84; Ending Balance as of 03/31/2011� -� $64,600.78; Increase for March, 2011� -� $16,319.94.

���� Damon explained about the bill from Anchor Door for replacing the door panels at the old Wyant's Station that got damaged during the snow storm.

���� Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to pay the bills as presented.� Trustee Donna Poppe seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Bruce Green - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

���� Trustee Lonnie Meiner, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, reported that will talk about the appropriation ordinance during old business so have nothing to report at this time.

���� Police and Liquor Committee Chairman David Rathke was absent but Police Chief Michael Scott gave the report on the monthly activities for the Police Department for March, 2011.

���� Mike also reported to the Board on the letter from Supreme Radio regarding the new regulations for re-banding the radios for the Police Department.� This has to be done by the end of 2012 but Mike went ahead and had Supreme look at all of our radios.� They told us which ones could be re-banded and which ones were to old to re-band.� The Kenwood radios can all be re-banded at a cost of $245.00.� The remainder of the radios cannot be re-banded.� Lonnie asked if the prices would still be good - Mike stated ninety (90) days on the prices.

���� Trustee Rick Wagoner, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, reported on the control panel for the water plant.� There needed to be a programming change included in the price.� Stinde Electric sent a quote for the software with a price of $642.00.

���� Rick asked Village Attorney Tom Shields if he had any thoughts about borrowing money for the rest of the sewer project.� Rick stated that when talking to Dave Dodson at the Bank the state has changed the way municipals can borrow money.� Rick stated that the Committee is talking about borrowing about $30,000.00 to $40,000.00.

���� Rick explained that the EPA is suggesting that we go with 8 plus 1 for a spare.� In the permit, we are asking for supplement and can go with 5 and if the Village can prove that is enough after two or three years of using.��Otherwise we will have to buy�3 more.� Damon stated we will keep the old system�operational but won't be running all of the time.��Going to have to shift gears a little to satisfy the state.� Presently have a waiver for nitrate and don't want to loose that.� Damon stated that if we can prove we aren't having a nitrate problem then we will be fine.� Going to start testing for that.� Rick stated we are still on the same track just having to shift gears a little.

���� Rick�stated that the other thing that we talked about was increasing the reconnect fees and deposit for the past due bills.� Village Clerk Nancy Kiper stated our present deposit to move in is $100.00 and the reconnect fee if water is shut off is $50.00.� There are a lot of people that their water bills are running over $100.00 per month so then the deposit does not cover.� They run up a couple month's bills and then move out.� Rick stated that want to raise the reconnect fee to $100.00.

��� Rick asked Village Attorney Tom Shields if we could have a multiple increment deposit.� The first shut-off there would be an additional deposit of $150.00; the second shut-off there would be an additional deposit of $200.00; the third shut-off there would be an additional deposit of $250.00.

���� Village Attorney Tom Shields stated can try this for a year and see if this works or if we need to do something different.� Rick likes this idea and if not will take to the next level.

���� Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to increase the reconnect fee to $100.00 and if water service is disconnected the first time an additional deposit of $150.00 will be required; the second time an additional deposit of $200.00 will be required; and the third time an additional deposit of $250.00 will be required to be paid before service is restored.� Trustee Donna Poppe seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Bruce Green - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

���� Rick stated that at some point are going to have to order some more meters.� There are a couple of other towns that are going with these meters and are hoping that we can all order together to get a cheaper price.

���� Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, asked about the Steinlicht property.� Police Chief Mike Scott explained what he has done to deal with this situation.� Mike stated his biggest concern is that he's living in here and there's a huge hole in the roof.� Mike thinks that he's heating with kerosene.� Mike thinks there is not going to be alot of cooperation there.� Rick Wagoner asked if there is an organization that we could call to get involved and help get him out and into a more livable environment.� Donna Poppe suggested PATH and Ric Onken suggested checking with Rural Development.

���� Carol asked if there is something that the Village can do to recognize our people who are in the military and maybe do a sign or something.

������ Table Franchise Agreement with Mediacom to next month.

���� Trustee Lonnie Meiner explained that the Budget Appropriation Ordinance is 8.25% less than last year.� Lonnie explained some of the items that were eliminated and changed.� Lonnie stated it is accurate and feels comfortable for the Village.

���� Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to approve the 2011-12 Budget Appropriation Ordinance as presented.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Bruce Green - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

���� Mayor Ric Onken reminded everyone of the election on Tuesday.� Evaluations are due next month.� Ric explained that the school district is moving down to the school and Ric talked to one person to see what they are doing with the building.� Would see what they expect for cost and what they are doing with this.

���� Trustee Lonnie Meiner asked if the house at the end of Main Street is going to be sold for taxes on the court house.� Tom Shields stated we have to go forward with these run down houses.� It's going to be an expensive process - can't do two at a time.� The formal demolition on it is pretty expensive.� Tom asked if the property presents a danger to the public.

���� Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to adjourn.� Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe - Aye; David Rathke - Absent; Bruce Green - Absent; Carol Stephenson - Aye; Lonnie Meiner - Aye; Rick Wagoner - Aye; Motion carried.

���� Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,��Nancy Kiper,�Village Clerk
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