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Back To Board Minutes Listing September 2022 Board Meeting Minutes | Thursday, February 23, 2023
The regular monthly meeting was called to order on Monday evening, September 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Larry Dodds.
Trustee Present were:
Charles Morefield - Aye
David Rathke - Aye
Benjamin Thackeray - Absent
Carol Stephenson - Aye
Janice Edwards - Absent
Vincent Beck - Aye
Also present were Superintendent Joshua Hereford; Police Chief Ritchie Cooper; Village Treasurer Connie Gossemeyer.
Trustee Charles Morefield made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Village Treasurer Connie Gossemeyer have the Treasurer�s Report for the month of August 2022.
Beginning Balance $541,553.07
Ending Balance $551,898.63
Increase for the month of August 2022 $ 10,345.56
Trustee Charles Morefield made a motion to approve the Treasurer�s Report for the month of August 2022. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Public Comments � Items on the agenda.
There were no public comments.
First special report was given by Police Chief Ritchie Cooper. Chief Cooper reports there were 37 traffic stops last month. Chief Cooper is working with DCFS for an investigation regarding Endangering the life of a Child, Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse, Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of Child. This investigation is ongoing at this time.
Superintendent of Maintenance Joshua Hereford gave the next special report. Josh reports the street resurfacing project was completed by McLean County Asphalt. G.A. Rich started the dualator project on August 22, 2022. The rip rap was installed at the sewer plant. There were a few watermain leaks that were repaired this month as well.
Mayor Larry Dodds reports there is an Animal Control/Zoning Report in your folders for review.
Mayor Larry Dodds reports there is an EMA Report in your folders for review. Zach Langhoff is filling in as the EMA Director during Shane Beck�s medical leave.
Final Special Report was given by Mayor Larry Dodds. Included in the report is a list of the past month�s revenue. Larry reports the Village of Colfax received a tax distribution on 8/30/2022 in the amount of $34,636.67. The total for the street resurfacing was $56,168.79. That payment has been made. There was a Joint Committee meeting held with the Ridgeview Board of Education and we will be moving forward with the implement of a School Resource Officer at Ridgeview District #19. There will be some changes made to the Intergovernmental Agreement and it will be on next month�s agenda for discussion. Mayor Larry Dodds said it is hopeful that the Dualator Project to be completed by the end of the month.
Finance and Audit Committee Chairman, David Rathke, has nothing to report at this time.
Police and Liquor Committee Chairman, Carol Stephenson, has nothing to report at this time.
Water and Sewer Committee Chairman, Charles Morefield, has nothing to report at this time.
Streets and Lights Committee Chairman, Benjamin Thackeray, was absent.
Maintenance Equipment and Vehicle Chairman, Vincent Beck, has nothing to report at this time.
First item of Old Business was the discussion and update regarding the property at 305 E. Cooper Street. Mayor Dodds reports we have been in contact with the attorney regarding this specific property. A �Notice to Abate� letter was mailed and posted on the door. After those 7 days we reserve the right to enter the property to provide pest control. At this time Brent Blair, Animal Control Officer has been putting out bait. The Village is currently waiting on the title search to come back before proceeding with the next steps of getting a court order to demolish the property.
Next item of Old Business was the progress on the Dualator and Media Replacement Project. Mayor Larry Dodds stated there for a few additional repairs/welding needed and that total comes to $17,638. It is hoped the project will be completed by the end of the month.
First item of New Business was the discussion and approval of contract for $5,400.00 for Farnsworth Group to conduct a Limited Waste Water Infrastructure Assessment in an effort to improve operation of the sewer system and reduce flooding.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to authorize the signing of the contract for $5,400 for Farnsworth Group to conduct a Limited Waste Water Infrastructure Assessment in an effort to improve operation of the sewer system and reduce flooding. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the discussion and approval for Engineering Services by Farnsworth Group related to providing Construction Services during the Dualator Media Replacement Project at a cost of $15,000.
Trustee Charles Morefield made a motion to approve the proposal for Engineering Services by Farnsworth Group related to providing Construction Services during the Dualator Media Replacement Project at a cost of $15,000. Trustee Vincent Beck seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the discussion and approval of an Agreement for Professional Services Combined Hourly Charges in connection with the Colfax Elevated Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project at a cost of $41,500.
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to approve the agreement Professional Services Combines Hourly Charges in connection with the Colfax Elevated Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project at a cost of $41,500. Trustee Vincent Beck seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the approval of the first request for payment from G.A. Rich & Sons in the amount of $23,959.80 for the Dualator Media Replacement Project.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to approve the first request for payment from G.A. Rich & Sons in the amount of $23,959.80 for the Dualator Medica Replacement Project. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Next item on the agenda was the discussion and approval of Ordinance No. 2022-07, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Ordinance No. 2022-03 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois.
Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2022-07, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Ordinance No. 2022-03 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois. Trustee Vincent Beck seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the discussion of the need of a zoning ordinance and building permits for solar energy systems, on rooftop or ground installation. This topic will be further discussed in the future.
Next on the agenda was the authorization of the Police Chief to advertise for Police Officer/School Resource Officer for the Village of Colfax.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to authorize Ritchie Cooper, Police Chief to advertise for Police Officer/School Resource Officer for the Village of Colfax. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Vincent Beck seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield � Aye, David Rathke � Aye, Benjamin Thackeray � Absent, Carol Stephenson- Aye, Janice Edwards � Absent, Vincent Beck � Aye. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Portia Vandegraft
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