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August 2022 Board Meeting Minutes | Thursday, February 23, 2023
The regular monthly meeting was called to order on Monday evening, August 1, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Larry Dodds.
Trustees present were:
Charles Morefield - Aye
David Rathke - Aye
Benjamin Thackeray - Aye
Carol Stephenson - Aye
Janice Edwards - Aye
Vincent Beck - Aye
Also present were Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford; Police Chief Ritchie Cooper; Village Treasurer Connie Gossemeyer.
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approved as presented. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Village Treasurer Connie Gossemeyer gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July 2022.
Beginning Balance $529,228.34
Ending Balance $541,553.07
Increase for the month of July 2022 $ 12,324.73
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July 2022. Trustee Janice Edwards seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Public comments-Items on the agenda.
There were no public comments.
First special report was given by Police Chief Ritchie Cooper. Ritchie has reports for June and July in tonight’s board packets. In June, 1 citation was issued. In July, 4 citations were issued. There was discussion regarding drivers not stopping at stop signs and speeding within the Village of Colfax. Ritchie reports the camera system on Main Street was struck by lightening in the recent storm. The system was under warranty and is being repaired. Ritchie reports the 3 officers in training should be ready for work soon, they will complete their training in October 2022.
Next special report was given by Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford. Josh reports on 7/23/2022 the sewer flooded and the diesel pump was used for several hours. Josh and Nick with the help of Brent and Brian Blair spent several days picking up brush from the storm. The streets have been marked for spray patching. New handicapped signs were installed on Main Street. 200 ton of rip rap was delivered for the project at the sewer plant.
Mayor Larry Dodds reports the Animal Control/Zoning Report is in your folders for review.
Mayor Larry Dodds reports the EMA Report is in your folders for review. Shane Beck, EMA Director, reported on July 23, 2022 a tornado warning was issued and spotters were activated at 1:45 p.m. The Village of Colfax received heavy rains and strong wind. There were several trees down and damaged throughout the town. McLean County EMA was called at 4:00 p.m. to help with the damage assessment for the Village of Colfax.
Final Special Report was given by Mayor Larry Dodds. An outline of the monthly revenue is listed. The Village of Colfax joined a partnership with the Colfax Restoration Project and the Octavia Park District to sponsor the End of Summer 5K Run/Walk. There was a public forum held at Ridgeview Schools on July 18, 2022 to discuss implementing a School Resource Officer (SRO) in Ridgeview District 19. Larry reports it was well attended and believes most people have positive thoughts regarding the SRO. Larry reports there will be a Joint Committee Meeting between the Village of Colfax and the Ridgeview Board of Education on September 8, 2022 at the Village Hall. Larry reports he will be attending the IML/RMA Conference in Chicago September 15-17.
Finance and Audit Committee Chairman, David Rathke, has nothing to report at this time.
Police and Liquor Committee Chairman, Carol Stephenson, reported the meeting minutes for the Police and Liquor Committee meeting are included in tonight’s packet.
Water and Sewer Committee Chairman, Charles Morefield, has nothing to report at this time.
Rian Tolan, resident of Colfax, voiced some concerns regarding the flooding at the sewer plant and the water infiltration to the sewer system. Rian states there shouldn’t be rain water immediately getting into the village’s sewer system like it is. He believes there are sump pumps and downspouts being illegally pumped into the sewer system causing the sewer to flood. He states if the diesel pump quits during heavy rain of flood everyone in town would have sewer backed up into their homes and the village would be held liable for that. He thinks it’s time the village does some investigation regarding the illegal hook-ups, whether that be smoke testing or going door to door.
Streets and Lights Committee Chairman, Benjamin Thackeray, discussed the possibility of installing new stop signs throughout town. This topic is on tonight’s agenda. Ben also would like everyone to think about changing the speed limit on Sunset Drive to 20 mph.
Maintenance Equipment and Vehicle Committee Chairman, Vincent Beck, has nothing to report at this time.
First item of Old Business was the report of the Public Meeting held on July 18, 2022 related to School Resource Officer (SRO) at Ridgeview CUSD #19.
Next on the agenda was information regarding the upcoming dualator and replacement of filtering media material to begin August 22, 2022. In your packets is a rough timeline for the project. Notices were mailed out to all residents who receive water from the Village of Colfax regarding the upcoming project.
Next on the agenda was the approval and authorization of the signing of the McLean County APRA agreement with attachments A & B in order to receive the distribution of funds received by McLean County via the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to authorize the signing of the McLean County ARPA agreement with attachments A & B in order to receive the distribution of funds received by McLean County via the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
First item of New Business was the approval to sign the proposal from GA Rich & Sons to install the Storm Trap Pumpguard in the lift station; payable from ARPA funds.
Trustee Janice Edwards made a motion to approve the signing of the proposal from GA Rich & Sons to install the Storm Trap Pumpguard in the lift station; payable from the ARPA funds. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Next item was the approval of the Resolution of Adoption of the McLean County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan.
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to approve the Resolution of Adoption of the McLean County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the consideration for placement of new stop signs within the Village of Colfax. A list was discussed. The current stop sign ordinance will be revised and presented at the September 2022 Board of Trustees Meeting.
Next on the agenda was the discussion regarding the purchase of a used police car. Police Chief Ritchie Cooper reports the Police Chief from Stanford, Illinois reached out to him to give him because they are selling their current Police Chief’s car. They have a 2016 Ford Explorer with all the extensive police equipment already installed for sale at a price of $25,000. The 2016 Ford Explorer has 54,000 miles on it. Ritchie reports he would use this as his car. The newest Colfax Police Department car would be used by the Patrol Officers and the older patrol car would be used for the School Resource Officer. Ritchie reports Stanford has kept this car in immaculate condition and believes we are getting a great deal if we follow through with the purchase.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to approve the purchase of the 2016 Ford Explorer for $25,000 from Stanford Police Department with approval given to Mayor Larry Dodds to obtain and sign for financing at People State Bank of Colfax. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the awarding of the Village of Colfax Citizen of the Year Award. Mayor Larry Dodds reports there were 2 residents nominated for Citizen of the Year. The selection committee meet last Friday to discuss the candidates and their recommendation was to give a tie. After reading the nominations the Board had come to a decision to select Candidate B.
Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to award Citizen of the Year to Candidate B. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Public Comments-Items not on the agenda.
There were no public comments.
Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to adjourn. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m
Respectfully submitted,
Portia Vandegraft
Village Clerk
Trustees present were:
Charles Morefield - Aye
David Rathke - Aye
Benjamin Thackeray - Aye
Carol Stephenson - Aye
Janice Edwards - Aye
Vincent Beck - Aye
Also present were Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford; Police Chief Ritchie Cooper; Village Treasurer Connie Gossemeyer.
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approved as presented. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Village Treasurer Connie Gossemeyer gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July 2022.
Beginning Balance $529,228.34
Ending Balance $541,553.07
Increase for the month of July 2022 $ 12,324.73
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July 2022. Trustee Janice Edwards seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Public comments-Items on the agenda.
There were no public comments.
First special report was given by Police Chief Ritchie Cooper. Ritchie has reports for June and July in tonight’s board packets. In June, 1 citation was issued. In July, 4 citations were issued. There was discussion regarding drivers not stopping at stop signs and speeding within the Village of Colfax. Ritchie reports the camera system on Main Street was struck by lightening in the recent storm. The system was under warranty and is being repaired. Ritchie reports the 3 officers in training should be ready for work soon, they will complete their training in October 2022.
Next special report was given by Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford. Josh reports on 7/23/2022 the sewer flooded and the diesel pump was used for several hours. Josh and Nick with the help of Brent and Brian Blair spent several days picking up brush from the storm. The streets have been marked for spray patching. New handicapped signs were installed on Main Street. 200 ton of rip rap was delivered for the project at the sewer plant.
Mayor Larry Dodds reports the Animal Control/Zoning Report is in your folders for review.
Mayor Larry Dodds reports the EMA Report is in your folders for review. Shane Beck, EMA Director, reported on July 23, 2022 a tornado warning was issued and spotters were activated at 1:45 p.m. The Village of Colfax received heavy rains and strong wind. There were several trees down and damaged throughout the town. McLean County EMA was called at 4:00 p.m. to help with the damage assessment for the Village of Colfax.
Final Special Report was given by Mayor Larry Dodds. An outline of the monthly revenue is listed. The Village of Colfax joined a partnership with the Colfax Restoration Project and the Octavia Park District to sponsor the End of Summer 5K Run/Walk. There was a public forum held at Ridgeview Schools on July 18, 2022 to discuss implementing a School Resource Officer (SRO) in Ridgeview District 19. Larry reports it was well attended and believes most people have positive thoughts regarding the SRO. Larry reports there will be a Joint Committee Meeting between the Village of Colfax and the Ridgeview Board of Education on September 8, 2022 at the Village Hall. Larry reports he will be attending the IML/RMA Conference in Chicago September 15-17.
Finance and Audit Committee Chairman, David Rathke, has nothing to report at this time.
Police and Liquor Committee Chairman, Carol Stephenson, reported the meeting minutes for the Police and Liquor Committee meeting are included in tonight’s packet.
Water and Sewer Committee Chairman, Charles Morefield, has nothing to report at this time.
Rian Tolan, resident of Colfax, voiced some concerns regarding the flooding at the sewer plant and the water infiltration to the sewer system. Rian states there shouldn’t be rain water immediately getting into the village’s sewer system like it is. He believes there are sump pumps and downspouts being illegally pumped into the sewer system causing the sewer to flood. He states if the diesel pump quits during heavy rain of flood everyone in town would have sewer backed up into their homes and the village would be held liable for that. He thinks it’s time the village does some investigation regarding the illegal hook-ups, whether that be smoke testing or going door to door.
Streets and Lights Committee Chairman, Benjamin Thackeray, discussed the possibility of installing new stop signs throughout town. This topic is on tonight’s agenda. Ben also would like everyone to think about changing the speed limit on Sunset Drive to 20 mph.
Maintenance Equipment and Vehicle Committee Chairman, Vincent Beck, has nothing to report at this time.
First item of Old Business was the report of the Public Meeting held on July 18, 2022 related to School Resource Officer (SRO) at Ridgeview CUSD #19.
Next on the agenda was information regarding the upcoming dualator and replacement of filtering media material to begin August 22, 2022. In your packets is a rough timeline for the project. Notices were mailed out to all residents who receive water from the Village of Colfax regarding the upcoming project.
Next on the agenda was the approval and authorization of the signing of the McLean County APRA agreement with attachments A & B in order to receive the distribution of funds received by McLean County via the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to authorize the signing of the McLean County ARPA agreement with attachments A & B in order to receive the distribution of funds received by McLean County via the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
First item of New Business was the approval to sign the proposal from GA Rich & Sons to install the Storm Trap Pumpguard in the lift station; payable from ARPA funds.
Trustee Janice Edwards made a motion to approve the signing of the proposal from GA Rich & Sons to install the Storm Trap Pumpguard in the lift station; payable from the ARPA funds. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Next item was the approval of the Resolution of Adoption of the McLean County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan.
Trustee David Rathke made a motion to approve the Resolution of Adoption of the McLean County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the consideration for placement of new stop signs within the Village of Colfax. A list was discussed. The current stop sign ordinance will be revised and presented at the September 2022 Board of Trustees Meeting.
Next on the agenda was the discussion regarding the purchase of a used police car. Police Chief Ritchie Cooper reports the Police Chief from Stanford, Illinois reached out to him to give him because they are selling their current Police Chief’s car. They have a 2016 Ford Explorer with all the extensive police equipment already installed for sale at a price of $25,000. The 2016 Ford Explorer has 54,000 miles on it. Ritchie reports he would use this as his car. The newest Colfax Police Department car would be used by the Patrol Officers and the older patrol car would be used for the School Resource Officer. Ritchie reports Stanford has kept this car in immaculate condition and believes we are getting a great deal if we follow through with the purchase.
Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to approve the purchase of the 2016 Ford Explorer for $25,000 from Stanford Police Department with approval given to Mayor Larry Dodds to obtain and sign for financing at People State Bank of Colfax. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the awarding of the Village of Colfax Citizen of the Year Award. Mayor Larry Dodds reports there were 2 residents nominated for Citizen of the Year. The selection committee meet last Friday to discuss the candidates and their recommendation was to give a tie. After reading the nominations the Board had come to a decision to select Candidate B.
Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to award Citizen of the Year to Candidate B. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Public Comments-Items not on the agenda.
There were no public comments.
Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to adjourn. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Janice Edwards-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m
Respectfully submitted,
Portia Vandegraft
Village Clerk
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