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Back To Board Minutes Listing July 6, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes | Friday, August 27, 2010
������������ The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Tuesday evening, July 6, 2010 at 7:oo p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

�������������Trustees present were:�

���������������������������Donna Poppe���������������������������������������-����� Aye

����������������������� ���David Rathke�������������������������������������� -����� Aye

�������������������������� Bruce Green���������������������������������������� -����� Aye

���������������������������������������Late not here to vote on�minutes motion

������������������������ Carol Stephenson������������������������������� -����� Aye

�������������������������Lonnie Meiner������������������������������������� -����� Aye

�������������������������Rick Wagoner���������������������������������������-������ Aye

Also present were:

�����������������Village Treasurer Linda Hanson

�����������������Village Attorney Tom Shields

�����������������Superintendent of Public Works Damon Getty

���������������� Police Chief�Mike Scott

���������������� Village Engineer Ed�Duran

����� Trustee Lonnie�Meiner made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented.� Trustee Rich Wagoner seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe- Aye; David Rathke- Aye; Bruce Green- Absent; Carol Stephenson- Aye; Lonnie Meiner- Aye; Rick Wagoner- Aye; Motion carried.

������������� Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of June, 2010.

�������������������������Beginning�Balance�as of 06/01/2010������������������������������������������� $83,186.52

�������������������������Ending Balance as of 06/30/2010������������������������������������������������$106,922.65

�������������������������������������������������� Increase for June,2010��������������������������������������������� $23,736.13

�������������� Linda reported that there was $5,000.00 paid on the�loan at People's State Bank of Colfax.

�������������� Trustee Donna Pope made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion.� Vote:� Donna Poppe- Aye; David Rathke- Aye; Bruce Green- Aye; Carol Stephenson- Aye; Lonnie Meiner-Aye; Rick Wagoner- Aye; Motion carried.

�������������� Trustee Rick Wagoner, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, asked Village�Engineer Ed Duran if there was anything on the old well.

�������������� Ed explained that it is the eight inch (8") dual wall PVC.� Ed explained that he is waiting on a price from the Bloomington office and should be lower since there will be less shipping costs.

�������������� The Committee recommended going forward with the�job with an estimate of about $27,000.00 including engineering.� The pipe costs will be coming out of MFT. The remainder of the project will be coming out of the Storm Water Account.� Ed stated we are looking at a�piping material costs of $19,000.00 but bids are coming in lower so should be in at around $15,000.00.� We are looking at the Board to give authorization to go ahead and get the pipe ordered.� This is a Storm Sewer Project and are looking at homeowners having a storm sewer service type of connection. The Village puts in the main and runs the main to the property line for the homeowner to hook up to and the homeowner would have a tap on fee. Can connect their downspouts, sump pumps, and even a yard drain if they choose.

��������������There will be ten (10) feet of solid wall pipe for the mains and then put ten (10) feet of pipe which is what the homeowner would hook into. Another thing discussed is what is avaible cost for the tap on fee. The four inch ( 4")� clean out cap is $27.00; the ten feet ( 10") of four inch (4")pipe is $20.00; and the cap is $23.00. The taps will be put where the homeowners want them. Right now it's a fixed� cost per tap but we want to raise it to a set cost plus materials.� The Board will ned to have an ordinance to cover the tap on fee.

���������� Ed explained what will be happening when the homeowners tap on to the storm water sewer. The homeowners can actually hook their downspouts and sump pumps to the storm water sewer if they pay the tap on fee so it will take care of the water problem in the Celio View/Terra Lane/Cooper Street Area. Rick Wagoner asked Ed a safe dollar figure so as not to go over. Ed stated that should be safe with $27,189.18 plus cost of there easements as $1,000.00 each.

����������� Mayor Ric Onken asked Ed if there was one pipe that had a longer history of usage than the other. Ed stated that the eighteen inch (18") Dual Wall Smooth Interior PVC pipe is what will be used to the river. This type of pipe�has been used since the 60's. The homeowner will not grant an easement unless the Village went with a full size sewer all the way to the river.

���������� Turstee Rick Wagoner made a motion to proceed with the Ceilo View Relief Sewer Project at a price not to exceed $30,000.00. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Donna Poppe- Aye; David Rathke- Aye; �Bruce Green- Aye; Carol Stephenson- Aye; Lonnie Meiner-Aye; Rick Wagoner-Aye; Motion carried.

��������� Ed Duran explained that seal coat MFT work has been done. Would like to buildup the MFT finds to do a bigger project next year.

��������� Ed Duran explained about the control panel at the water plant which is used for setting the tower level switches based on the pressure is an analog panel. The switches are tempermental and they sometimes don't switch when they are suppose to from high alarm to low alarm. These switches are getting gunk built up in them and are looking at what we could do to upgrade these swithces. There is a new digital control panel for the water plant. The cost of this panel assembled and installed $2,984.00. Need to work this into the budget.� This� panel can be used to set the high water level and low water level which will maximize the plant just like you want it to be. If the Village continues to wait are going to see more and more problems with the present panel.� Ed distributed a copy of the proposal to the Board. This would be compatible with the Tonka System.

����������� Mayor Ric Onken asked Trustee Rick Wagoner to hold a committee meeting to discuss this before the next board meeting.

����������� Rick Wagoner aksed Village Engineer Ed Duran if he had anything on the well. Ed had nothing to report on the well.

���������� Ed explained again about the Aerial View Map of the Village. This map would cover the entire town and a hard copy can be printed out. The cost of this map would ne $440.00. The Village is presently using the 1974 sewer map to go by. This could come out�of the storm sewer fund since that would be primarily where we are going to use this. Put on next months's agenda.

����������Rick reported that there were fifteen (15) new meters installed this month. There were no shut offs this month.

��������� Trustee Lonnie Meiner, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Cimmittee, reported that there was $5,000.00 paid on the loan. Lonnie explained that the auditor was here and everything went well with that. Lonnie reported that all bank accoutnts are in balance and everything is accurate for this month.

�������� Lonnie feels like if we�can pay $14,000.00 out of MFT money and the remainder out of Storm Water Account we will continue to have a decent amount in the account should an emergency arise.

��������� Trustee David Rathke, Chariman of the Police and Liquor Committee, reported that the Police Department report for the month of June is in the Board's folders.

������������Police Chief Mike Scott explained to the Board what it means to be NIMES compliant. This means that the Village is eligible for federal funding and grants. Mike explained that all employees at one time will have to complete two levels of the training.� This can be done on line. Mike explained that he has already applied for another in car computer through them. He explained there have only been 900�squads that have applied for these grants so far.

���������Our ESDA director Randy Clark is also NIMES compliant and also be used for the Village and for the fire department.

��������� Management System that the federal government requires every local government to adopt by attaching federal�funds to it. If you don't�adopt don't get the money.

��������� Anybody that could be involved in managing a disaster must complete the first two levels. Anyone that might be involved in helping with a disaster for the Village.

��������� Mike Scott reported that he applied for a grant for another in car computer which is available with being NIMES compliant. This� is a one hundred percent (100%) funded grant. As an example of how many have not becoume NIMES compliant there is $3,000,000 worth of computer grants and only $907,000 have been used so far.

�������� Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Street and Lights comittee reported that everything is cleaned up behind Finchman's dumpster.

��������� Next on the agenda Dan Winters from Allied Waste was here to talk about new dumpsters for the residents of Colfax.� Allied would like to automate several�communities and�Dan would like�Colfax to be one of them. Alled will provide a cart to each home at no additional charge. The contract is a take all so might�have to bring another truck in for the extra. He reported there are two sizes of dumpsters and sixty-five (65) gallon one and ninety-five (95) gallon�one. Dan reported that each household would have to utilize the dumpsters. They will be sending out fliers for each household. They are hoping to start this by early fall.

����������������� Dan reported the trucks would automatically pick up the dumpsters and dump them. Will save a lot on personnel and on work comp claims for back injuries on their drivers and he feels it will be easier for the residents they can just roll them to the curb. Dan stated they will probably have to run two trucks for a while until people get used to the carts. Rick Wagoner asked how Allied would handle items that aren't suppose to be in the garbage. Can see people throwing car batteries; paint; etc in the bottom of these. Dan stated they will put fliers out before hand and drivers still have to watch for these items that can't go to landfill.

������������� Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to accept the Allied Waste Automated Collection Service for the residents of the Villafe of Colfax. Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion. Vote: Donna Poppe- Aye; David Rathke- Aye; Bruce Green- Aye;C arol Stephenson-Aye; Lonnie Meiner-Aye; Rick Wagoner-Aye; Motion carried.

������������ Trutee Rick Wagoner reported that Village Attorney Tom Shields came up with an ordinacne for the tap on fee for the Storm sewer Project. Rick reported there are $100.00 in parts plus time and materials.

��������������Mayor Ric Onken asked if there is one price if people tap in now and a different fee if they hookup later. Damon stated they are going to make it mandatory like they did with the sewer taps.

������������ Trustee Rick Wagoner made a motion to approve Ordinance 2010-01 as drafted. Trustee Lonnie Meiner secdonded the motion. Vote: Donna Poppe-Aye; David Rathke- Aye; Bruce Green- Aye; Carol Stephenson- Aye; Lonnie Meiner- Aye; Rick Wagoner- Aye; Motion carried.

������������ Rick asked Village Attorney Tom Shields how he was doing on the easements. Tom stated that he hasn't recieved any information about them yet.

������������� Next on the agenda Brian Becker of Becker Tree Service is wanting to purchase the old Village Dump property. Trustee� Lonnie Meiner explained to the Board. Brian needs a place to build a shed to store equipment and cannot find enough commerical property. He would be putting up a 48' x 100' building.

�������������� Village Attorney Tom Shield stated that he needs to check into the ownership and Tom had a search on going today. The original deed to the Village goes back to 1932. Tom asked if the Village has any use for the property and if not then the Board can decide if you sell or lease. Tom needs a good legal description to verify whether it was ever annexed into the Village or not. Tom stated this is just preliminary and it might raise some zoning issues too.

�������������� Ric asked Brian why he couldn't have the business on his propery i the country. Brian stated he can't run a commerical business from there and can't build the shed. There was more discussion on the issue and the annexation of the property. Table until next month's meeting.

������������� Trustee Bruce Green made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Donna Poppe seconded the motion.� Vote: Donna Poppe-Aye; David Rathke- Aye; Brian Becker- Aye; Carol Stephenson- Aye; Lonnie Meiner-� Aye; Rick Wagoner- Aye; Motion carried.

������������ Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

�����������������������������������������������������������������������Respectfully submitted,

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Nancy Kiper

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Village Clerk
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