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Back To Board Minutes Listing DECEMBER 2020 BOARD OF TRUSTEE MINUTES | Friday, January 29, 2021
The regular monthly meeting was called to order on Monday evening, December 7, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Larry Dodds.

Trustees present were:

• David Rathke - Absent
• Benjamin Thackeray- Aye
• Carol Stephenson - Aye via Zoom
• Jason Wagoner - Aye
• Vincent Beck - Aye

Also present were Superintendent Josh Hereford; Village Treasurer Connie Gossmeyer; Police Chief Ritchie Cooper.

Trustee Charles Morefield made a motion to dispense with the ready of the minutes and approve as presented. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Connie Gossmeyer gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2020.
Beginning Balance $304,811.85
Ending Balance $283,794.12
Decreased for the month of November 2020 $ 21,017.73

Treasurer Connie Gossmeyer stated the decrease was from the bond payment that was paid this month.

Trustee Charles Morefield made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2020. Trustee Jason Wagoner seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.
Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Vincent Beck seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Public Comments- Items on the agenda.

There were no public comments.

The first special report given tonight was by Police Chief Ritchie Cooper. Ritchie stated a detailed Police Report is in your folders for review. The Police Department has been very active with traffic stops this month. Ritchie notes there was 7 citations issued in November.

Next on the agenda was the Maintenance Report given by Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford. Josh has continued to pick up leaves all over town. Josh states he has all the plows ready for winter. Josh with the help of several others put the Christmas tree up on Main Street. Josh and Brent Blair hung all Christmas decorations on the light poles and Josh hung the wreaths along Main Street.

Mayor Larry Dodds stated the Animal Control/Zoning Report is in your folders for review.

Mayor Larry Dodds stated the EMA Report is in your folders for review.

The final special report was given by Mayor Larry Dodds. In the Mayor’s Report was a list of the revenue for the month of November 2020. Larry announced that the drainage meeting with the area Farmer’s was postponed and will be rescheduled for a date in January 2021. Larry mentioned that as of today zip code 61728 has a total of 66 positive COVID cases. There is still discussion with the McLean County Health Department to resume rural COVID testing. Mayor Dodds stated when he receives more information regarding the testing, he will make an announcement.

There wasn’t a Finance and Audit Report because Chairman David Rathke was absent from the meeting.

Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Charles Morefield, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, reported that a committee meeting was held on November 19, 2020 to prioritize where to start on the water project. Trustee Charles Morefield stated they determined the dualator and media replacement was the highest priority. Mayor Larry Dodds discussed obtaining a debt certificate to accumulate the funds needed for these projects.

Trustee Jason Wagoner, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Vincent Beck, Chairman of the Maintenance Equipment and Vehicle Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

First item of Old Business on the agenda was the approval of the 2020-2021 Tax Levy Ordinance for the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois.
Mayor Larry Dodds stated that the Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) has increased by $285,685.

Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 Tax Levy Ordinance for the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Next on the agenda was the approval for the purchase of license plated for golf cart registrations.

Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to approve the purchase of 50 license plated for golf cart registrations. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Next on the agenda was the approval of the closure of Main Street from Brook Street to the Post Office and Center Street alley to alley from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 10, 2021 for the Box Car Derby.

Trustee Jason Wagoner made a motion approve the closure of Main Street from Brook Street to the Post Office and Center Street alley to alley from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 10, 2021 for the Box Car Derby. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Next on the agenda was the approval of Ordinance No. 2020-15, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Sections 6.09 (A) 2 and 3, and 6.09 (B) 2 of Chapter 6 (Water Systems) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois pertaining to billing for water service. Mayor Larry Dodds stated this is the same ordinance we passed earlier this year with the addition of one sentence regarding the 2% increase of the rates annually, every January 1.

Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2020-15, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Sections 6.09 (A) 2 and 3, and 6.09 (B) 2 of Chapter 6 (Water Systems) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois pertaining to billing for water service. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Next on the agenda was the approval of Ordinance No. 2020-16, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Sections 7.09 (A) of Chapter 7 (Sewer Systems) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois pertaining to billing for sewer systems. Mayor Larry Dodds stated this is the same ordinance we passed earlier this year with the addition of one sentence regarding the 2% increase of the rates annually, every January 1.

Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2020-16, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Sections 7.09 (A) of Chapter 7 (Sewer Systems) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois pertaining to billing for sewer systems. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Jason Wagoner seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Absent, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Portia Vandegraft
Village Clerk

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