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Back To Board Minutes Listing AUGUST 2020 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES | Wednesday, September 9, 2020
The regular monthly meeting was called to order on Monday evening, August 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Larry Dodds.
Trustees present were:

Charles Morefield - Aye
David Rathke - Aye
Benjamin Thackeray- Aye
Carol Stephenson - Aye
Jason Wagoner - Aye
Vincent Beck - Absent

Also present were Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford; Village Treasurer Connie Gossmeyer; Police Chief Ritchie Cooper.

Trustee Charles Morefield made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Absent. Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Connie Gossmeyer gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July 2020.

Beginning Balance $242,225.16
Ending Balance $266,158.25
Increase for the month of July 2020 $ 23,933.09

Trustee David Rathke made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July 2020. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Absent. Motion Carried.

Trustee David Rathke made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Absent. Motion Carried.

Public Comments- Items on the agenda.

There were no public comments.

At this time Portia Vandegraft, Village Clerk swore in the new Chief of Police Ritchie Cooper.

Police Chief Ritchie Cooper gave the first special report. He stated the monthly police report is in your folders for review. Police Chief Ritchie Cooper discussed the need for new equipment for the new squad car. He gave the board estimates for a new docking station for the computer and a new radar system. Police Chief Ritchie Cooper also addressed complaints of engine braking on Route 165. He will relay that to the patrol officers to keep an eye out for the engine braking. Police Chief Ritchie Cooper also discussed the need for some new office furniture/equipment.
Next on the agenda was the Maintenance Report given by Superintendent Josh Hereford. Josh reported the generator at the lift station malfunctioned, it was repaired. McLean County Asphalt completed the resurfacing of the roads with trap rock this month. Josh installed several Children at Play and Stop Signs at various locations throughout the Village.

Mayor Larry Dodds reported the Animal Control/Zoning Report is in your folders for review.

Mayor Larry Dodds reported the EMA Report is in your folders for review.

Mayor Larry Dodds gave the final special report. Larry stated he met with Tony Moore, a representative with Republic Services this month regarding a contract renewal for 2021. Mayor Dodds reported that the McLean County Health Department conducted COVID-19 testing at the Village Hall. It was reported that 35 people were tested. The Savings Accounts for EMA, Sidewalk, and Maintenance Vehicle and Equipment were opened with $100.00. Mayor Larry Dodds reports that 70.5% of residents in the Village of Colfax have completed their U.S. Census Survey.

Trustee David Rathke, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, has nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, has nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Charles Morefield, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, has nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Jason Wagoner, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, stated he has concerns with Winget Drive. The section of Winget Drive that was widened earlier this year is already falling apart.

Trustee Vincent Beck, Chairman of the Maintenance Equipment and Vehicle Committee, was absent.

Next on the agenda was the report of the preliminary discussion with water and drainage engineers from Farnsworth Group. Larry and Josh met with two engineers from Farnsworth Group regarding water and drainage concerns for the Village of Colfax. Superintendent Josh Hereford gave them a tour of Colfax. The engineers are schedule to appear at the Board of Trustees Meeting in September.

Next on the agenda was the approval of Ordinance No. 2020-09, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Ordinance No. 2019-04, Sections 41.05, Schedule B #37 and #38 of Chapter 41 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois. This Ordinance is related to the installations of new stop signs and replacing some yield signs with stop signs.

Trustee Jason Wagoner made a motion to approve Ordinance 2020-09, An Ordinance Rescinding and Replacing Ordinance No. 2019-04, Sections 41.05, Schedule B #37 and #38 of Chapter 41 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Colfax, McLean County, Illinois. Trustee Charles Morefield seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Absent. Motion Carried.

Next on the agenda was the discussion regarding the calendar of the Board of Trustee Meetings for the next year. Trustee Charles Morefield suggested the meeting scheduled for July 5, 2020 be rescheduled for July 6, 2020 since the Village Offices will be closed on July 5th in honor of the Fourth of July.
Trustee David Rathke made a motion approve the Board of Trustees meeting calendar with the changes in the July meeting date. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Absent. Motion Carried.

Next on the agenda was the discussion regarding the requirements for golf cart drivers/permits. Mayor Larry Dodds stated there have been reports of teenagers driving golf carts. The current Ordinance states you must be 21 and older to drive a golf cart in the Village of Colfax. Mayor Larry Dodds also discussed having an individual fee and a family fee for the permits rather than charge per driver. A revised ordinance will be presented at the September 8 Board of Trustees Meeting.

Public Comments- Items not on the agenda.

There were no public comments.

Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Jason Wagoner- Aye, Vincent Beck-Absent. Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Portia Vandegraft
Village Clerk
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