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Back To Board Minutes Listing March 2020 Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The regular monthly meeting was called to order on Monday evening, March 2, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Larry Dodds.

Trustees present were:

Charles Morefield -Aye
David Rathke - Aye
Benjamin Thackeray - Aye
Carol Stephenson -Aye
Jason Wagoner -Aye
Vincent Beck - Aye

Also present were Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford; Village Treasurer Connie Gossmeyer; Police Chief Michael Scott.

Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Village Treasurer Connie Gossmeyer presented the Treasurerโ€™s Report for the month of February 2020.
Beginning Balance $159,723.56
Ending Balance $162,155.75
Increase for the month of February 2020 $ 2,432.19

Trustee Charles Morefield made a motion to approve the Treasurerโ€™s Report for the month of February 2020. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to pay all the bills for the month of March as they are received. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Public comments- Items on the agenda.
There were no public comments.

Police Chief Michael Scott stated the Police Report is in your folders for review.

Superintendent of Maintenance Josh Hereford gave the next special report. Josh repaired a leaky valve in the water plant. Josh mentioned that himself and Brian Hereford plowed three (3) times in the month of February. He also mentioned that he has been cleaning up the snow piled near the handrails on Main Street. Josh attended a water conference February 18-20 and received 20 continuing education hours towards his water license.

Mayor Larry Dodds stated there is an Animal Control/Zoning Report in your folders for review.

Mayor Larry Dodds stated there is an EMA Report in your folders for review.

Mayor Larry Dodds gave the final special report. Mayor Dodds discussed the revised list of the summary of receipts from various revenue sources for the Village of Colfax. Mayor Dodds also reported that there has been a increase in sales tax over the last few months and we will continue to monitor that increase. Mayor Larry Dodds attended a Rural Community Economic Development Conference February 26-27,2020.

Trustee David Rathke, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Vincent Beck, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

Trustee Jason Wagoner, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, reported that a committee meeting was held prior to tonightโ€™s Board of Trustee meeting.

Next on the agenda was the discussion regarding the proposal for the street and alley improvement project for 2020.

Trustee Jason Wagoner discussed the proposed streets and alleyโ€™s to be resurfaced. Trustee Jason Wagoner stated the approximant available balance for these improvements would be $69,483.10. This proposal will need final approval in April 2020.

Next on the agenda was the review of bids for the property at 114 East Main Street. Mayor Larry Dodds stated we did not receive any bids.

Next on the agenda was the review of the 2020-2021 Appropriation Ordinance for the Village of Colfax. Mayor Larry Dodds went over the Ordinance in detail. There will be a final adoption of the Appropriation Ordinance in April.

Trustee Benjamin Thackeray asked about opening a savings account for Village Equipment. Trustee Benjamin Thackeray said he would like to see a savings account open to build up a reserve for the repair or replacement of the village maintenance equipment.

Public Comments-Items not on the agenda.

There were no public comments.

Superintendent Josh Hereford announced there would be a representative from Diamond Maps at the next Board of Trustees meeting to present a webinar regarding their services. Superintendent Josh Hereford stated he thinks the Village of Colfax could really benefit from this service.

Trustee Benjamin Thackeray made a motion to adjourn. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Charles Morefield-Aye, David Rathke-Aye, Benjamin Thackeray-Aye, Carol Stephenson-Aye, Jason Wagoner-Aye, Vincent Beck-Aye. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Portia Vandegraft
Village Clerk
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