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Back To Board Minutes Listing JUNE 2018 BOARD MEETING MINUTES | Friday, November 9, 2018
The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, June 4, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Lonnie Meiner.

Trustees present were:
Rick Vance - Aye
David Rathke - Aye
Jason Pierce - Aye
Carol Stephenson - Aye
Jason Wagoner - Aye
Vincent Beck - Aye

Also present were Superintendent Brian Hereford, Police Chief Michael Scott; Village Attorney Steven Mann; Village Engineer Terry McCleary.

Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes for the regular monthly meeting and for the special meeting and approve as presented. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report is in your folders for the month of May 2018.
Beginning Balance as of 5/1/2018 $181,515.93
Ending Balance as of 5/31/2018 $199,046.29
Increase in income the month of May, 2018 $ 17,530.36

Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.

The next item on the agenda was regarding the Bond Issue process and to finish all of the pre-requisites. First Midstate representative Will Glass stated that the bonds are sold for a ten (10) year pay back with a final interest rate of 4.875% fixed rate. Will handed out the final debt service schedule to the members of the Board. Will reported that the money will be in the bank of June 19, 2018. Will also explained to the Board that this can be restructured in five (5) years.

Trustee Vincent Beck made a motion to approve the Ordinance authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of paying the cost of purchasing real or personal property, or both, in and for the Village, and for the issue of General Obligation Debt Certificates, Series 2018, of the Village evidencing the rights to payment under said Agreement, providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient for the payment of the principal of and interest on said Certificates and authorizing the sale of said Certificates to the purchase thereof. Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.

Trustee Jason Pierce, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, reported on the Finance Committee meeting held at 6:00 p.m. prior to regular meeting on June 4, 2018.

Jason reported that the Committee talked about several things to help with the finances for the long term finances for the Village.

Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, reported that the Activity Report for the Colfax Police Department for the month of May, 2018 is in your folders.

Mike Scott reported on the issues with the fence at the intersection of North Street and Harrison Street. Due to McLean County Highway redoing Harrison Street and all of the intersection with sidewalks having to be redone the part of the fence that is on North Street has to be moved. Mike stated that due to this being the Village’s fault with placement of the fence originally, he feels that the Village should give the homeowner a variance for the fence with the stipulation that if he ever moves the fence will be removed from the property. Mike will draft a letter to be signed by the owner of the property.

Trustee David Rathke, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, reported that the Media Filter in the Tonka System is going to need to be changed. The filter has a ten (10) year life span and it has already been in there fourteen (14) years.

The next item on the agenda was passing the 2018-19 Budget Appropriation Ordinance. Trustee Rick Vance asked how much difference this was from last year. It is a difference of $29,871.00 from last year – 4.665% increase for the whole appropriation.

Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to approve the 2018-19 Budget Appropriation Ordinance as presented. Trustee Vincent Beck seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance – aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce - Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.

Lonnie explained that having a structural engineer to condemn the theatre so it has no historical value. Will table until the next meeting. The Bank wants it down because they are scared of what it can do to them.

Mayor Lonnie Meiner is wanting to look into changing some of the Village ordinances regarding businesses in the home. Lonnie stated there have businesses in the homes for years and there are no restrictions at this time. The Village does not want to get into another situation like we already have. Lonnie explained that there is some concerned about people having in home business and Mike stated that at the present there are no restrictions on the businesses that can be in the home.

Village Attorney Steve Mann stated that need to look at whole zoning ordinances, instead of trying to fix the broken approach have a special permit for the people that come to the Board and get a permit to have a business in their home. This is what other towns do. Steve can give us examples if want to see different approaches. Anyone that already has a business in the home now this would not affect it moving forward.

Trustee Jason Pierce stated that most of the time no one would ever know you have a business in your home because it stays inside the home. It is when it starts spilling out that have the issues. I think that if you have the ordinance where it says if you are running a business out of your home you need to have a permit.

Police Chief Michael Scott responded when asked how complaints are handled. Mike stated that we respond to the complaint and if there is no compliance an ordinance violation is issued.

EMCAA representative Rick Wagoner was present to address the board about a NICOR bill that was originally where the ambulance was kept in the last bay. The bill was originally set up in EMCAA’s name but never got switched when the garage bay got remodeled and moved up to the new garage. Table until find out more.

Colfax resident Randy Reynolds stated that the Village is getting to many rules and regulations. People need to be helping each other.

Colfax Resident Greg Neuhaus stated that he called the since Route 165 is a state highway and it was 3:00 in the morning. This was due to the engine braking on the county road. Mike will check into getting some signs to put up regarding this. Need to have them on the Route 165 and on Weston Black and Harrison Street.

Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to adjourn. Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion. Vote: Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Kiper
Village Clerk

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