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Back To Board Minutes Listing OCTOBER 2017 BOARD MEETING MINUTES | Friday, December 15, 2017

          The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, October 2, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Lonnie Meiner.

          Trustees present were:

                   Rick Vance                   -         Aye

                   David Rathke                -        Aye

                   Jason Pierce                -         Aye

                   Carol Stephenson        -         Aye

                   Jason Wagoner            -         Aye

                   Vincent Beck                -        Aye

          Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Superintendent Brian Hereford; Village Attorney Steve Mann; Police Chief Michael Scott.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented.  Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.

          Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month of September 2017.

          Beginning Balance as of 09/01/17                              $241,044.40

          Ending Balance as of 09/30/17                                   $253,409.08

                   Increase for the month of September, 2017        $  12,364.68

          Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that this is only the 2nd of the month and not all of the bills are in.  There are no phone bills yet.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.

          Trustee Jason Pierce, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

          Trustee Carol Stephenson, Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, reported that the Activity Report for the month of September, 2017 for the Colfax Police Department is in the folders.

          Police Chief Michael Scott reported that Erick, the owner of the trailer court, has had the Mary Jane Tomovich trailer removed from the trailer court.  There are some water issues that have been discussing with Brian.  Jim Beitz will be there tomorrow to try to solve this issue.  As of this meeting everything is gone but the frame and it will be loaded up tomorrow and taken away. 

          Mike stated that he would like to bring in some newer homes to the trailer court.

          Mike reported that the Village has receive Default Judgement on two (2) Ordinance Violations issued to 306 South Grove Street that have went to court.  He failed to show so got default judgement.  Mr. Brown now owes over $1,000.00.  Village Attorney Steve Mann stated there is real estate involve on this property and will make sure that have perfected the judgement liens on that property.  Can freeze assets and bank accounts but that is less productive.  What it comes down to is when the Village Board wants to pull the trigger on this.  Would have to notify all of the property owners on this.  There are four (4) judgements on this guy.

          Trustee Carol Stephenson stated he is deliberately defying the Village.  Mike stated that he has been trying to find ordinances that would pertain to this property.  Most of the issues occur between his fence and Orchard Street.  These new ordinances would make it easier to attack this problem straight on.  Mike reported that he has two (2) Ordinances that he would like the Board to look at and hopefully pass.  One involves residents working on vehicles on Village property.  The second is prohibiting storing and collecting property on Village property. 

          Mike stated that this guy knows all of the tricks and he will wait until the eleventh hour and wait until the last minute.  He will do just enough to get by. 

          Mayor Lonnie Meiner stated that will be discussing the Ordinances and what the Board wants.  Then can put it together and vote on it at the next Board meeting.

          Trustee David Rathke, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, had nothing to report at this time.

          Trustee Rick Vance, Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee, stated the holes in the streets are fixed. 

          Trustee Vincent Beck asked if there was anything other than oil and chipping that could be done.  Brian stated that could try cutting out that street and concreting it.  Brian stated it is a water problem with the rain coming down that street so fast.  Brian stated it is patched for now but will probably come out again. 

          The first item under Old Business was Michael Rigsby, from Colfax Restoration Project who gave an update on the good 1st cleanup.  Michael stated there were over 200 volunteers.  Michael reported that Main Street was thoroughly cleaned and some buildings repaired or painted; Retter’s Engine was cleaned at the alley; Andrew Harper fixed the brick on the Legion; Octavia Park was cleaned and some new coats of paint.

          Trustee David Rathke asked what else needed to be done in Colfax.  Michael asked what the first thing would do.  Dave said sidewalks.  Michael asked if it had ever been priced out on how much to asphalt Main Street.  Brian stated that on West Main all of the sidewalks and curbs need redone before you ever start doing the streets. 

          Michael reported that they are planning improvement days for every spring and every fall.

          Trustee Jason Wagoner explained about the survey that was done a few years ago regarding the Letter of Map Revision. 

          Trustee Jason Wagoner asked about creating a TIF district.  Village Attorney Steve Mann will be checking to get someone out here to speak with the Board regarding this. 

Mayor Lonnie Meiner reported that there is positive activity on the Parish Hall and hopefully can have something going before next Board meeting.

          Mayor Lonnie Meiner stated that he is going to pass a sheet out at the next Board meeting.  He wants five (5) items written down on what you would like to see done this next year.

          There was some discussion regarding the Village doing bulk pickup of garbage/junk.  Revisit our situation with Allied and find out what our parameters of picking up garbage/junk.  There needs to be a limit with apartment/house cleanouts after people move.  TABLE  

          Brian stated that other than the few people that take advantage of this is really is working pretty good.

          Health Inspections on Rental Properties – Lonnie asked Mike Scott his thoughts.  Mike stated that there needs to be an annual inspection on every rental property in town and at least have an exterminator come through and do an inspection every year.  Not sure what the other Villages do regarding this.  Will check this out. 

          Vehicle Repair on Streets – need to develop an ordinance - Mike stated people shouldn’t use village property to

          Greg Neuhaus was here regarding the Box Car Derby which will be held on Saturday, April 14th, 2018.  Need to have all four corners of Center Street and Main Street intersection. 

          Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to adjourn.  Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Jason Wagoner – Aye; Vincent Beck – Aye; Motion carried.

          Meeting adjourned.

                                                                   Respectfully submitted,                 

                                                                   Nancy Kiper

                                                                   Village Clerk

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