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Back To Board Minutes Listing OCTOBER 2016 BOARD MEETING MINUTES | Monday, December 19, 2016

          The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, October 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

          Trustees present were:

                   Rick Vance                             -        Aye

                   David Rathke                         -        Aye

                   Jason Pierce                          -        Aye

                   Carol Stephenson                   -        Aye

                   Lonnie Meiner                        -        Aye

                   Kelly Gradert                          -        Aye

          Also present were Full Time Public Works Brian Hereford and Police Chief Michael Scott

          Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented.  Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Aye; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Village Treasurer Linda Hanson was absent but the Treasurer’s Report is in the folders.

          Beginning Balance as of 09/01/2016              $262,451.02

          Ending Balance as of 09/30/2016                   $358,926.56

          Increase in Income for September 2016         $  96,475.54

          Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Aye; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

           Trustee and Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee Jason Pierce reported that the loan has gone through.  Jason reported that both loans had been rolled together but the it didn’t really raise the payments.  The old loan payment was $893.00 and the new payment is $1,340.00.  Jason reported that the allotment money coming in at different times is basically paying the payments.  Nicor Gas has started paying monthly instead of quarterly and the cellular tower rent from Vertical Bridge increased this month to $715.00. 

          Trustee and Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee David Rathke reported that the Activity Report for the month of September, 2016 for the Colfax Police Department is in the folders.

          Dave stated that talked about part-time police officer on duty on Sunday mornings.  Police Chief Michael Scott stated that tried to rotate shifts so that they don’t get in a rut.  People get used to when officers are here – try mixing it up. 

          Trustee Lonnie Meiner asked Mike if the Colfax Police are called to assist McLean County Deputies do you respond.  Mike stated that if it is a low priority call no but we will to backup for a high priority call.  Mike said we aren’t a twenty-four (24) hour police department so we need McLean County here when we are here.

          Some of the Board members have an issue with the police working Sunday mornings.  Mike addressed this issue and stated that you have to remember that we only do one shift on Sundays and that your early Sunday mornings are someone else’s Saturday nights.  Mike stated that there is only one shift on Sunday and when Mike Lay works he works days and when Dustin Carter works he prefers evenings.  Trustee Kelly Gradert asked if maybe Mike Lay could work until 5:00 or 6:00 in the evening. 

           Mike asked the Board what they want to do about Sunday.  Mike asked if they want to try evenings for the rest of this year and then can look at it again after the first of the year. The Board agreed to try this.

          Trustee and Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee had nothing to report at this time.  Lonnie asked Brian to report on the manhole situation. 

          Brian Hereford stated that he and Josh have started sealing some of the manholes.  Brian stated they are going to work this week down at the Mackinaw and see if can get that one sealed.

          Brian stated that they have sealed four (4) manholes so far.

          Lonnie stated that need to put something together this winter for drainage – need to put drainage tiles in.  The Village needs to look at some of the areas in town and see what we can do for some of the drainage issues.  

          Trustee and Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee Rick Vance stated that the Village got a new resurfaced road on East Main going to the Potash.

          Brian stated that the Village needs to start looking at this in February for next year to see what the Village wants to do with Motor Fuel Tax next year.

          Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to go into closed session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of village employees.  Trustee Kelly Gradert seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Aye; Kelly Gradert – Aye.  Motion carried.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to close open session.  Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Aye; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Trustee Lonnie Meiner made a motion to go into Open Session.  Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Aye; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Trustee Jason Pierce reported that the amount has been decided and the vote will be done next month after details are worked out. 

          Next on the agenda was regarding Octavia Park District in regard to the pool.  Public Works Brian Hereford and Mayor Ric Onken met with Octavia Park District representative Jeff Dowell regarding the issues at the Pool.  Ric reported that it sounds like they have found the leak – hopefully they fix it.  In order to know what they use on sewer need to put in a separate meter and do some replumbing for this. 

There needs to be some kind of agreement regarding this before next year.  The Mayor appointed the Water and Sewer Committee to look into this and put some kind of agreement together.

          Trustee Lonnie Meiner addressed the Board regarding maybe getting new business in the Village.  Lonnie wondered if the Village needs to sweeten the pot in order to get something in here.

          Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to adjourn.  Trustee Lonnie Meiner seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Aye; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

                                                          Respectfully submitted,


                                                          Nancy Kiper

                                                          Village Clerk


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