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Back To Board Minutes Listing AUGUST 2016 BOARD MEETING MINUTES | Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Colfax was called to order on Monday evening, August 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Ricardo Onken.

          Trustees present were:

                   Rick Vance                           -        Aye

                   David Rathke                        -        Aye

                   Jason Pierce                         -        Aye

                   Carol Stephenson                  -        Aye

                   Kelly Gradert                         -        Aye

          Trustee absent:  Lonnie Meiner

          Also present were Village Treasurer Linda Hanson; Village Attorney Tom Shields; Public Works Brian Hereford; Police Chief Michael Scott.

          Trustee Carol Stephenson made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as presented.  Kelly Gradert seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Village Treasurer Linda Hanson gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July, 2016. 

          Beginning Balance as of July 1, 2016                      $290,110.64

          Ending Balance as of July 31, 2016                         $286,898.94

                   Decrease for the month of July, 2016           ($    3,211.70)

          Trustee Rick Vance made a motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Jason Pierce seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, Trustee Jason Pierce had nothing to report at this time. 

          Chairman of the Police and Liquor Committee, Trustee David Rathke reported that the Activity Report for the month of July, 2016 for the Colfax Police Department is in your folders.  Police Chief Michael Scott reported that the Activity Report from Metcom was not available because of the meeting falling on the first day of the month. 

          Trustee Carol Stephenson asked if could do anything more at 206 S Grove about the debris along the Village streets.  Police Chief Michael Scott will look at the ordinances and see what the Village can do in regard to this.

          Trustee Carol Stephenson asked about shortening the length of time before removal of vehicles after they have been tagged.  Village Attorney reported that because the Village is not a Home Rule town unless authorized the Village cannot make the statue stricter than what it already is.  The statute states seven (7) days.

          Chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee and Trustee Lonnie Meiner was absent.  Public Works Brian Hereford had nothing to report at this time.

          Chairman of the Streets and Lights Committee and Trustee Rick Vance had nothing to report at this time.

          At this time in order for the representatives of Octavia Park District to  not have to sit through the whole meeting the Mayor moved to Item #1 under New Business regarding Octavia Park District.   Representatives Jeff Dowell and Chris Dowell were present to discuss the matter regarding the water bill.

          Octavia Park District Board Member Jeff Dowell addressed the Village Board regarding the water bill at Octavia Pool. 

          Jeff reported that out of the blue three (3) years ago the Octavia Park District received a water bill.  Jeff stated that there has always been an agreement with the Village that water would be furnished by the Village.  Jeff stated that he spoke with someone and was under the impression that Octavia Pool would get the initial fill and then start tracking the water after that.  Jeff stated that he looked at the bill from the end of last year and at the beginning of this year.  Jeff continued to talk and complain about how they have been treated and complained about former Superintendent Damon Getty. 

Trustee Carol Stephenson stated that some of the concerns is that there is a leak in the pool.  Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported the water usage from last year and from this year:

          May 2015                     29,070 gallons

          June 2015                    12,190 gallons

          July 2015                      17,030 gallons

          August 2015                15,760 gallons


          May 2016                    238,200 gallons

          June 2016                  206,800 gallons

          July 2016                    209,000 gallons

          August 2016                167,000 gallons

According to Jeff Dowell they have not done anything different than in the past.  Three years ago there were some plumbing issues. 

Village Clerk Nancy Kiper reported that she went back in the minutes from 1991 to present and there was never an agreement made between the Octavia Park District and the Village of Colfax regarding free water. 

Mr. Dowell got rather loud and fowl mouthed with his addressing of the Board.  Jeff stated that the Park District has a meeting every month but no one ever came to their meetings to address this.

Trustee Jason Pierce stated that the Village Board has a meeting but you never came to our meetings to discuss anything.  Village Attorney Tom Shields stated that the Village cannot wave a municipal charge for water for a taxing body.  Tom stated that he was the Village Attorney at the time that the Park District was formed and as he can recall there was not any kind of agreement made between the two. 

Public Works Brian Hereford asked Jeff Dowell who makes up the Park District.  Jeff stated Martin and Lawndale Townships.  Brian asked Jeff when Lawndale Township became part of the Park District because they voted it down once.  Brian asked when it voted on again.  Jeff stated well it has always been Martin and Lawndale Townships.  Brian stated that on your board at the Pool it only says Martin Township.

Brian stated that the people of Colfax then are paying more for this because they are also having to pay for the water you are using.

Trustee David Rathke asked Brian what percentage per day is the park using.  Brian stated that the pool is using between 8,000 and 10,000 gallons a day and the Village pumps 80,000 to 100,000 gallons per day – approximately ten percent (10%).  Brian stated that Mike Ayers was to be here at the meeting tonight too. 

Trustee Carol Stephenson stated but they said at the meeting they don’t leave the water running.  Brian says they are leaving the water on 24/7. 

          The first item under New Business was regarding the new chargers for the Emergency Management Association sirens.  EMA Director Shane Beck explained this in his typed report to the Board. 

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to purchase the new chargers for the EMA Sirens for a price of $2,100.00 from Lincolnland Communications.  Trustee Kelly Gradert seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          The second item on the agenda regarding employee raises was tabled.

          Next on the agenda was the Resolution #2016-1 in regard to demolishing the buildings on Main Street.  Tom explained that this give the Mayor the authority to execute the Demolition Agreement.  Tom explained that the property at 116 E Main owned by Harley Daniels is ready to go.  The taxes of $240.00 on this building have been paid.  The property at 112-114 E Main Street owned by Todd Clark is waiting for Mr. Clark to deliver the signed original to his attorney Jack Vieley.  Tom will let us know when he receives those papers.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to approve Resolution #2016-1 as drafted with a minor correction.  Trustee Carol Stephenson seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to approve Resolution #2016-2 as drafted.  Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to approve Resolution #2016-3 as drafted.  Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to approve Resolution #2016-4 as drafted.  Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Item #4 on the agenda was tabled.

          Public Works Brian Hereford reported that the construction company for Casey’s General Store needs the trees on the lot that they purchased either moved or removed for demolishing the building and making the new parking lot.  It would cost a lot to have each tree moved and then to find a place to move them to – per the Village Board go ahead and cut trees down.

          Mayor Ricardo Onken explained to the Board about the water main break on Main Street and asked the Board to think about having the water main replaced on Main Street before resurfacing it.

          Trustee Jason Pierce made a motion to adjourn.  Trustee David Rathke seconded the motion.  Vote:  Rick Vance – Aye; David Rathke – Aye; Jason Pierce – Aye; Carol Stephenson – Aye; Lonnie Meiner – Absent; Kelly Gradert – Aye; Motion carried.

          Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

                                                                   Respectfully submitted,                                    

                                                                   Nancy Kiper

                                                                   Village Clerk

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